Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL Operator allows you to deploy and manage highly available and production-grade PostgreSQL clusters on Kubernetes with minimal manual effort. In this blog post, we are going to look deeper into High Availability, Disaster Recovery, and Scaling of PostgreSQL clusters.

High Availability

Our default custom resource manifest deploys a highly available (HA) PostgreSQL cluster. Key components of HA setup are:

  • Kubernetes Services that point to pgBouncer and replica nodes
  • pgBouncer – a lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL
  • Patroni – HA orchestrator for PostgreSQL
  • PostgreSQL nodes – we have one primary and 2 replica nodes in hot standby by default

high availability postgresql

Kubernetes Service is the way to expose your PostgreSQL cluster to applications or users. We have two services:

  • clusterName-pgbouncer – Exposing your PostgreSQL cluster through pgBouncer connection pooler. Both reads and writes are sent to the Primary node. 
  • clusterName-replica – Exposes replica nodes directly. It should be used for reads only. Also, keep in mind that connections to this service are not pooled. We are working on a better solution, where the user would be able to leverage both connection pooling and read-scaling through a single service.

By default we use ClusterIP service type, but you can change it in pgBouncer.expose.serviceType or pgReplicas.hotStandby.expose.serviceType, respectively.

Every PostgreSQL container has Patroni running. Patroni monitors the state of the cluster and in case of Primary node failure switches the role of the Primary to one of the Replica nodes. PgBouncer always knows where Primary is.

As you see we distribute PostgreSQL cluster components across different Kubernetes nodes. This is done with Affinity rules and they are applied by default to ensure that single node failure does not cause database downtime.

Multi-Datacenter with Multi-AZ

Good architecture design is to run your Kubernetes cluster across multiple datacenters. Public clouds have a concept of availability zones (AZ) which are data centers within one region with a low-latency network connection between them. Usually, these data centers are at least 100 kilometers away from each other to minimize the probability of regional outage. You can leverage multi-AZ Kubernetes deployment to run cluster components in different data centers for better availability.

Multi-Datacenter with Multi-AZ

To ensure that PostgreSQL components are distributed across availability zones, you need to tweak affinity rules. Now it is only possible through editing Deployment resources directly:


Scaling PostgreSQL to meet the demand at peak hours is crucial for high availability. Our Operator provides you with tools to scale PostgreSQL components both horizontally and vertically.

Vertical Scaling

Scaling vertically is all about adding more power to a PostgreSQL node. The recommended way is to change resources in the Custom Resource (instead of changing them in Deployment objects directly). For example, change the following in the cr.yaml to get 256 MBytes of RAM for all PostgreSQL Replica nodes:

Apply cr.yaml:

Use the same approach to tune other components in their corresponding sections.

You can also leverage Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA) to react to load spikes automatically. We create a Deployment resource for Primary and each Replica node. VPA objects should target these deployments. The following example will track one of the replicas Deployment resources of cluster1 and scale automatically:

Please read more about VPA and its capabilities in its documentation.

Horizontal Scaling

Adding more replica nodes or pgBouncers can be done by changing size parameters in the Custom Resource. Do the following change in the default cr.yaml:

Apply the change to get one more PostgreSQL Replica node:

Starting from release 1.1.0 it is also possible to scale our cluster using kubectl scale command. Execute the following to have two PostgreSQL replica nodes in cluster1:

In the latest release, it is not possible to use Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) yet and we will have it supported in the next one. Stay tuned.

Disaster Recovery

It is important to understand that Disaster Recovery (DR) is not High Availability. DR’s goal is to ensure business continuity in the case of a massive disaster, such as a full region outage. Recovery in such cases can be of course automated, but not necessarily – it strictly depends on the business requirements.

Disaster Recovery postgresql

Backup and Restore

I think it is the most common Disaster Recover protocol – take the backup, store it in some 3rd party premises, restore to another datacenter if needed.

This approach is simple, but comes with a long recovery time, especially if the database is big. Use this method only if it passes your Recovery Time Objectives (RTO).

Recovery Time Objectives

Our Operator handles backup and restore for PostgreSQL clusters. The disaster recovery is built around pgBackrest and looks like the following:

  1. Configure pgBackrest to upload backups to S3 or GCS (see our documentation for details).
  2. Create the backup manually (through pgTask) or ensure that a scheduled backup was created. 
  3. Once the Main cluster fails, create the new cluster in the Disaster Recovery data center. The cluster must be running in standby mode and pgBackrest must be pointing to the same repository as the main cluster:

Once data is recovered, the user can turn off standby mode and switch the application to DR cluster.

Continuous Restoration

This approach is quite similar to the above: pgBackrest instances continuously synchronize data between two clusters through object storage. This approach minimizes RTO and allows you to switch the application traffic to the DR site almost immediately. 

Continuous Restoration postgresql

Configuration here is similar to the previous case, but we always run a second PostgreSQL cluster in the Disaster Recovery data center. In case of main site failure just turn off the standby mode:

You can use a similar setup to migrate the data to and from Kubernetes. Read more about it in the Migrating PostgreSQL to Kubernetes blog post.


Kubernetes Operators provide ready-to-use service, and in the case of Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL Operator, the user gets a production-grade, highly available database cluster. In addition, the Operator provides day-2 operation capabilities and automates day-to-day routine.

We encourage you to try out our operator. See our GitHub repository and check out the documentation.

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