More and more companies are adopting Kubernetes. For some it is about being cutting-edge, for some, it is a well-defined strategy and a business transformation. Developers and operations teams all over the world are struggling with moving applications that aren’t cloud-native friendly to containers and Kubernetes.

Migrating databases is always a challenge, which comes with risks and downtime for businesses. Today I’m going to show how easy it is to migrate a PostgreSQL database to Kubernetes with minimal downtime with Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL Operator.


To perform the migration I’m going to use the following setup:

Migrating PostgreSQL to Kubernetes

  1. PostgreSQL database deployed on-prem or somewhere in the cloud. It will be the Source.
  2. Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster where Percona Operator deploys and manages PostgreSQL cluster (the Target) and pgBackRest Pod
  3. PostgreSQL backups and Write Ahead Logs are uploaded to some Object Storage bucket (GCS in my case)
  4. pgBackRest Pod reads the data from the bucket
  5. pgBackRest Pod restores the data continuously to the PostgreSQL cluster in Kubernetes

The data should be continuously synchronized. In the end, I want to shut down PostgreSQL running on-prem and only keep the cluster in GKE.



To replicate the setup you will need the following:

  • PostgreSQL (v 12 or 13) running somewhere
  • pgBackRest installed
  • Google Cloud Storage or any S3 bucket. My examples will be about GCS.
  • Kubernetes cluster

Configure The Source

I have Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL version 13 running on some Linux machines.

1. Configure pgBackrest

  • pg1-path should point to PostgreSQL data directory
  • repo1-type is set to GCS as we want our backups to go there
  • The key is in /tmp/gcs.key file. The key can be obtained through Google Cloud UI. Read more about it here.
  • The backups are going to be stored in on-prem-pg folder in sp-test-1 bucket

2. Edit postgresql.conf config to enable archival through pgBackrest 

Restart is required after changing the configuration.

3. Operator requires to have a postgresql.conf file in the data directory. It is enough to have an empty file:

4. primaryuser must be created on the Source to ensure replication is correctly set up by the Operator. 

Configure The Target

1. Deploy Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL Operator on Kubernetes. Read more about it in the documentation here.

2. Edit main custom resource manifest – deploy/cr.yaml.

  • I’m not going to change the cluster name and keep it cluster1
  • the cluster is going to operate in Standby mode, which means it is going to sync the data from the GCS bucket. Set spec.standby to true.
  • configure GCS itself. spec.backup section would look like this ( bucket  and repoPath are the same as in pgBackrest configuration above)

  • I would like to have at least one Replica in my PostgreSQL cluster. Set spec.pgReplicas.hotStandby.size to 1.

3. Operator should be able to authenticate with GCS. To do that we need to create a secret object called <CLUSTERNAME>-backrest-repo-config with gcs-key in data. It should be the same key we used on the Source. See the example of this secret here.

4. Create users by creating Secret objects: postgres  and primaryuser (the one we created on the Source). See the examples of users Secrets here. The passwords should be the same as on the Source.

5. Now let’s deploy our cluster on Kubernetes by applying the cr.yaml:

Verify and Troubleshoot

If everything is done correctly you should see the following in the Primary Pod logs:

Change some data on the Source and ensure that it is properly synchronized to the Target cluster.

Common Issues

The following error message indicates that you forgot to create postgresql.conf file in the data directory:

Sometimes it is easy to forget to create the primaryuser  and see the following in the logs:

Wrong or missing object store credentials will trigger the following error:


Everything looks good and it is time to perform the cutover. In this blog post, I cover only the database side but do not forget that your application should be reconfigured to point to the correct PostgreSQL cluster. It might be a good idea to stop the application before the cutover.

1. Stop the source PostgreSQL cluster to ensure no data is written

2. Promote the Target cluster to primary. To do that remove spec.backup.repoPath, change spec.standby to false in deploy/cr.yaml, and apply the changes:

PostgreSQL will be restarted automatically and you will see the following in the logs:


Deploying and managing database clusters is not an easy task. Recently released Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL Operator automates day-1 and day-2 operations and turns running PostgreSQL on Kubernetes into a smooth and pleasant journey.

With Kubernetes becoming the default control plane, the most common task for developers and operations teams is to perform the migration, which usually turns into a complex project. This blog post shows that database migration can be an easy task with minimal downtime.

We encourage you to try out our operator. See our github repository and check out the documentation.

Found a bug or have a feature idea? Feel free to submit it in JIRA.

For general questions please raise the topic in the community forum.

Are you a developer and looking to contribute? Please read our and send the Pull Request.

Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL provides the best and most critical enterprise components from the open-source community, in a single distribution, designed and tested to work together.

Download Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL Today!

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