Percona Bug Report Feb 2022Here at Percona, we operate on the premise that full transparency makes a product better. We strive to build the best open-source database products, but also to help you manage any issues that arise in any of the databases that we support. And, in true open source form, report back on any issues or bugs you might encounter along the way.

We constantly update our bug reports and monitor other boards to ensure we have the latest information, but we wanted to make it a little easier for you to keep track of the most critical ones. These posts are a central place to get information on the most noteworthy open and recently resolved bugs. 

In this February 2022 edition of our monthly bug report, we have the following list of bugs:


Percona Server for MySQL/MySQL Bugs

MySQL#105761: mysqldump makes a non-consistent backup with –single-transaction option as it captures the wrong GTID position in the dump file for which data is not included in the dump file. This will further cause issues like replication errors if you are setting up replica using this dump sql file and  GTID position in it.

The issue is caused by changes in MySQL 5.7.36 as part of this bug fix(Bug#32843447: GTID_PURGED IS GETTING EMPTY AND GTID_EXECUTED) resulting in GTID_EXECUTED being gathered at the end of the dump, instead of right after the START TRANSACTION.

To avoid this issue you can use previous( before 5.7.36)versions of mysqldump which is not affected by this change.

Affected version/s: 5.7.36


PS-7409 (MySQL#101459): Select Queries like in the below example with more than one value in IN() will skip index use.

Example: select updated_at from t1 where status in (‘abc’, ‘xyz’) and priority != 100 \G

Affected version/s: 5.6,5.7 (Tested with 5.6.50,5.7.32)


MySQL#99370: Semi-synchronous replication executes un-acknowledged transactions in case the source node goes down(crashed/failure) before it receives a replication acknowledgment from the replica, it still executes that transaction when the server restarts.

Issue reported for version: 5.7

This has been fixed as a documentation bug by adding the following important note in the documentation: 

and earlier release versions:


With semisynchronous replication, if the master crashes and a failover to a replica is carried out, the failed master should not be reused as the replication master and should be discarded. It could have transactions that were not acknowledged by any replica, which were therefore not committed before the failover. 

 If your goal is to implement a fault-tolerant replication topology where all the servers receive the same transactions in the same order, and a server that crashes can rejoin the group and be brought up to date automatically, you can use Group Replication to achieve this.


PS-8052: Executing SHOW PROCESSLIST or accessing INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST on a server with a terminology_use_previous=’BEFORE_8_0_26′ configuration causing a crash.

Affected version: PS-8.0.26 ,MySQL-8.0.26 and 8.0.27

Fixed version: PS-8.0.27 , MySQL-8.0.28


Percona XtraDB Cluster

PXC-3724/PXC-3776: PXC node crashes with long semaphore. This issue occurred due to locking when writing on multiple nodes in the PXC cluster. This is critical as it blocks all nodes to perform any transactions and finally crashes the PXC node.

Affects Version/s: 8.0  [Tested/Reported version 8.0.22,8.0.25]

Fixed Version: 8.0.26


Percona Toolkit

PT-1889: Incorrect output when using pt-show-grants for users based on MySQL roles as a result they can not be applied back properly on MySQL server. Due to this, we can not use pt-show-grants for MySQL roles until this issue is fixed.

Affects Version/s:  3.2.1


PT-2016: pt-table-checksum fails to build replace query when table lack a primary key (Unique key is present) and text fields are involved.

Affects Version/s:  3.3.1

Fixed Version: 3.4.0


Percona Server for MongoDB

PSMDB-892:  RWC defaults pollute the logs with duplicate “Refreshed RWC defaults” messages as a result log is saturated with the message in the title.

Affects Version/s:  4.4.6

Fixed Version: 4.4.8


PSMDB-671: createBackup returns ok:1 for archived backup even when there is no disk space available.

Affects Version/s: 4.0.12-6, 4.2.1-1, 3.6.15-3.5

Fixed Version: 3.6.19-7.0, 4.0.20-13, 4.2.9-9


Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL

DISTPG-317:  Installing Percona-PostgreSQL13 from its repository, the package dependencies are such it is going to remove PostgreSQL Community 12 installed.

Affects Version/s: 13.4

Fixed Version: Next 13.x release


PMM  [Percona Monitoring and Management]

PMM-9341: Deleting NODE from PMM Inventory breaks pmm client-server connection with leaving orphan agent_id somewhere as reference.

Workaround: Reconfigure PMM client-server connection again and read instance to monitoring.

Affects Version/s: 2.x  [Tested/Reported version 2.24]


PMM-9156: pmm-agent paths-base option not working for pmm2-client binary installation in PMM 2.23.0. Starting pmm-agent process gives “level=error msg=”Error reading textfile collector directory”

Affects Version/s: 2.x  [Tested/Reported version 2.23]

Fixed Vresion: 2.25.0


PMM-7846:  Adding MongoDB instance via pmm-admin with tls option not working and failing with error Connection check failed: timeout (context deadline exceeded).

Affects Version/s: 2.x  [Tested/Reported version 2.13, 2.16]



We welcome community input and feedback on all our products. If you find a bug or would like to suggest an improvement or a feature, learn how in our post, How to Report Bugs, Improvements, New Feature Requests for Percona Products.

For the most up-to-date information, be sure to follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. 

Quick References:

Percona JIRA

MySQL Bug Report

Report a Bug in a Percona Product

MySQL 8.0.27 Release notes


About Percona:

As the only provider of distributions for all three of the most popular open source databases—PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MongoDB—Percona provides expertise, software, support, and services no matter the technology.

Whether its enabling developers or DBAs to realize value faster with tools, advice, and guidance, or making sure applications can scale and handle peak loads, Percona is here to help.

Percona is committed to being open source and preventing vendor lock-in. Percona contributes all changes to the upstream community for possible inclusion in future product releases.

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