It both saddens and angers me that I need to write this post. Percona supports the people of Ukraine and condemns the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation regime. The needless loss of life, destruction of property, and displacement of millions of people, as well as separation of families, is horrifying and simply wrong. As a result, we are stopping doing new business with organizations in Russia and Belarus until further notice.

Some actions we have taken to support our staff are the following.

  • We have secured housing in what is currently a safe portion of Ukraine.
  • We have established a fund to support families with basic living essentials and help in getting out of harm’s way.
  • We are working to provide support for all our staff negatively impacted by this war — Russian and Ukrainian alike.
  • We are providing job security for those in Ukraine that have volunteered for or been called into military service.

Each day brings additional challenges and new realities. As a company, we continue to live up to and exceed the expectations of our customers and users while taking care of our impacted staff who are dealing with a humanitarian crisis. This is in alignment with our co-founders’ values. While both are US citizens, Peter Zaitsev was born and raised in Russia and Vadim Tkachenko was born and raised in Ukraine. They remain aligned and supportive of each other.

In this time of extreme uncertainty, one constant is the strength of the human spirit. The courage, bravery, and determination of so many within Percona and the world is inspirational.

To all, stay safe and be kind to one another.

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Is there any plan to stop both support services and sales for the Russia-based companies? Thanks.

Todd Harris

Hi Alex – At this time, we have not discontinued support and services for our existing Russia-based customers.