This blog was published in January of 2021 and was updated in January of 2024.

Database security, particularly in the context of PostgreSQL, involves safeguarding multiple parts of the database ecosystem. It is a vast topic because, with databases, we need to secure everything, not just the database node. The diagram below illustrates the key components that require protection, underscoring that the database is only one part of a larger security model. Effective PostgreSQL security requires a strategy encompassing (1) Network, (2) Network Node, (3) Data, (4) Database, (5) Users, and (6) Application. Ensuring PostgreSQL database hardening means securing each of these areas comprehensively to maintain the integrity and security of the entire system.


PostgreSQL Security

The blog series will cover all the topics related to PostgreSQL database security.

Why PostgreSQL security is critical

It is impossible to overstate how crucial PostgreSQL security is, particularly due to its widespread usage in handling sensitive data across various industries. Security breaches in PostgreSQL databases can lead to severe consequences, including data theft, loss of customer trust, legal repercussions, and financial damages.

Inadequate PostgreSQL security poses several potential risks, as unauthorized access to databases can result in the exposure of confidential information, including personal data, financial records, and intellectual property. This can lead to identity theft, financial fraud, and competitive disadvantages in the market. In addition, security vulnerabilities can be exploited to perform malicious activities, such as data manipulation or ransomware attacks, severely disrupting business operations.

Robust security measures are especially important in industries that rely extensively on PostgreSQL for storing sensitive data. Some examples:

Financial Services: Banks and financial institutions use PostgreSQL to store and process highly sensitive data, including transaction records and customer financial information. A breach can result in significant financial losses and erode customer trust.

Healthcare: Medical institutions and healthcare providers depend on PostgreSQL to manage patient records and medical data, and security breaches can lead to the exposure of personal health information, violating privacy laws like HIPAA and potentially endangering patient safety.

Given these risks and the critical nature of the data involved, ensuring the security of PostgreSQL databases is vital. Securing PostgreSQL databases demands a comprehensive strategy of consistent updates, strict access management, and continuous monitoring to detect and address any potential security weaknesses.

An overview of PostgreSQL Database Security

The database is normally divided into Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA). The database system needs to authenticate a user, secondly, authorize what a user can do with the database, and thirdly, account for what a user did with the database. PostgreSQL is considered to be one of the most secure databases, providing AAA capabilities.

secure PostgreSQL



Authentication means which user is allowed to access the database. In technical terms, which user can “log in” to the database system. PostgreSQL has a strong concept of what the authentication process should be. PostgreSQL authentication methods divide into three categories: (1) PostgreSQL Internal Authentication (2) Operating System Authentication and (3) External Server Authentication. Figure 3 shows all the supported authentication methods sorted by categories.


PostgreSQL Authentication


The second part of AAA is authorization, which means after login what activity a user can perform in the database. PostgreSQL has different controls to manage the users –  what a user can and cannot do. This control can be object-based or can be row-based. Here are the main categories of PostgreSQL authorization features:

  • Role, Users, and Groups
  • Row Level Security


The last and third part of AAA is accounting. After “login” to the database system, logging the activity of the user is called accounting.  The following is the list of logging categories that need to be considered.

  • Database Logging
  • Network Logging
  • Application
  • Operating System Logging

Watch the on-demand webinar: PostgreSQL security missteps and tips.

What are the three main levels of PostgreSQL Security?

PostgreSQL’s security framework is structured across three distinct levels, collectively ensuring protection against various security threats, from external attacks to internal data breaches. These levels are network-level security, transport-level security, and database-level security. Let’s take a look at each. 

Network-level security

This first layer of defense focuses on securing the database from unauthorized network access. It involves configuring firewalls, managing IP address access lists, and establishing secure network environments. Network-level security aims to prevent unauthorized access over the network and stop potential cyber-attacks at their initial stage.

Unix domain sockets: 

Unix domain sockets are vital for securing PostgreSQL databases, especially for local connections. These sockets are communication endpoints for processes on the same Unix or Linux system, contrasting with TCP/IP sockets used for network communications. Their use in PostgreSQL for local client-server communication enhances security by limiting access to processes on the same machine, thereby reducing the risk of network-based cyber attacks. This feature particularly benefits databases requiring only local connections, offering a secure and efficient communication method.


Firewalls are a key component in safeguarding PostgreSQL databases, acting as network security devices, and overseeing and managing network traffic based on set rules. Administrators use firewalls to regulate the traffic reaching a PostgreSQL server, blocking unauthorized access and cyber threats. These firewalls are specifically configured for PostgreSQL to permit only verified traffic, including connections from trusted sources or designated ports. 

Restricting listen_addresses: 

Restricting listen_addresses in PostgreSQL is a critical security measure, as this configuration parameter dictates the network interfaces on which the server listens for incoming connections. By default, it may listen on all interfaces, increasing security risks, but adjusting it to specific interfaces or addresses significantly reduces the server’s exposure to the network and the chance of unauthorized access. The best practice is to tailor it to your network’s needs: using localhost ( for IPv4 or::1 for IPv6) for local-only connections or carefully chosen interfaces for remote access.

Transport-level security (TLS)

Transport-level security deals with the protection of data as it travels between the client and the server, crucial for preventing data interception and eavesdropping during transmission. Techniques like SSL/TLS encryption are employed to ensure that data remains secure and unreadable to unauthorized parties during transit. 

Server TLS

To set up Server TLS on a PostgreSQL server for secure data transmission, first generate a server certificate (server.crt) and a private key (server.key), placing them in the server’s data directory. Customize file names and locations in the postgresql.conf file if needed, ensuring restricted permissions for the private key.

Then, enable TLS in the postgresql.conf file by setting the SSL parameter to on and specifying paths for ssl_cert_file and ssl_key_file. Restart PostgreSQL to apply these changes. This setup is crucial for server authentication and establishing a secure, encrypted connection with clients.

Client TLS

For client-side TLS in PostgreSQL, clients need certificates to authenticate with the server. This is especially key in distributed systems or when handling remote sensitive data. To set this up, clients must have their own certificates, which are verified by the PostgreSQL server against its configured Certificate Authority (CA) certificates.

In PostgreSQL, this client verification is enabled by setting the ssl_ca_file parameter in postgresql.conf and using the clientcert option in the pg_hba.conf file. Choose between verify-ca for basic certificate validity checks, or verify-full for matching the certificate’s common name with the username.

TLS configuration

For optimal security in TLS configuration, selecting strong cipher suites and properly setting up certificate chains is essential. Configure cipher suites in postgresql.conf and ensure alignment and access to the server’s certificate, intermediate certificates, and potentially the root certificate.

Best practices for TLS configurations include maintaining regular updates of TLS certificates and adhering to industry standards for encryption, ensuring that the security measures are up-to-date against evolving threats. Regularly reviewing and updating the OpenSSL configuration file, as PostgreSQL reads the system-wide OpenSSL configuration, is also crucial to maintaining TLS security.

Database-level security

The final layer happens directly within the PostgreSQL database and includes managing user permissions and roles, enforcing strong authentication methods, and implementing database encryption. Database-level security ensures that only authorized users have access to specific data and controls what actions they can perform. 

Roles and permissions management

In PostgreSQL, creating and managing roles effectively involves adhering to the least privilege principle, ensuring each role is granted only the permissions necessary for its function. Regular audits and updates of roles are crucial to keep them aligned with evolving business needs and personnel changes, as segregating duties by assigning specific roles to different job functions enhances security. 

To protect data effectively in PostgreSQL, utilize roles and permissions strategically. Assign permissions based on job requirements, ensuring users access only the data necessary for their tasks. Implement role hierarchies to simplify permission management and review user access rights regularly to prevent privilege creep. Additionally, use database auditing tools to monitor and log role-based activities, helping to detect and prevent unauthorized access or anomalies in data usage.

Data access controls

Safeguarding information in PostgreSQL involves implementing robust data access controls by defining access policies based on data sensitivity and user roles. Use row-level security to control access to specific rows in a table and implement column-level security to restrict access to sensitive columns. Regularly update access controls in response to changes in data classification or user roles, ensuring continuous protection of sensitive information.

Securing database functions and procedures

To ensure the safe use of stored procedures and functions in PostgreSQL, validate all inputs to prevent SQL injection attacks. Use the principle of least privilege when granting execute permissions on functions and procedures and regularly review and update the code of stored procedures to patch vulnerabilities and maintain compliance with best practices. Also, consider using schema-based access control to segregate stored procedures and functions, further enhancing security.

Database auditing

Database auditing in PostgreSQL is crucial for enhancing data security, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards, and maintaining data integrity. It involves tracking and logging database activities, which helps identify unauthorized or suspicious access, modify data or database structure, and ensure adherence to security policies.

Role in identifying security breaches

Auditing is vital in detecting suspicious activities, policy violations, and potential security breaches. By keeping detailed logs of database operations, administrators can analyze patterns, spot anomalies, and respond promptly to any irregularities that might indicate a security threat.

Configuring PostgreSQL for effective audit logging

For effective audit logging in PostgreSQL, it’s essential to configure the system to log the right events, including login attempts, data modifications (inserts, updates, deletes), and structural changes (DDL statements). Managing log files efficiently involves setting appropriate log rotation and retention policies to handle the volume of data without affecting performance.

Built-in features and external tools

PostgreSQL offers built-in functions for auditing, like the log_statement parameter, which logs all SQL statements. However, this approach can be limited in granularity and formatting. For more advanced auditing needs, external tools like pgAudit provide enhanced capabilities, allowing for detailed logging of database events. It can log a wide range of operations, including reads (SELECT, COPY), writes (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE), and DDL statements, among others. pgAudit offers two modes of operation: session and object audit logging. Session audit logging records all operations performed by a user, while object audit logging focuses on specific database objects or relations.

Installation and usage of pgAudit

Installing pgAudit involves adding it to the shared_preload_libraries in the postgresql.conf file and then creating the extension in PostgreSQL. Once installed, various configuration parameters can be set, such as pgaudit.log, which specifies the classes of statements to be logged, and pgaudit.role, for object audit logging using specific PostgreSQL roles.

Audit logs in PostgreSQL, especially when using pgAudit, are structured and can include information such as the type of operation, the objects involved, the user executing the operation, and the actual SQL statement. These logs are invaluable for thorough analysis and auditing purposes.

Want to discover how secure your database really is? Book a security database security assessment with Percona today!

5 PostgreSQL security best practices

Maintaining robust security in PostgreSQL is essential for safeguarding sensitive data and ensuring the integrity of your database systems. From implementing strong authentication mechanisms, such as SCRAM-SHA-256, to regular updates and patching, we’ll cover a range of practices designed to protect your PostgreSQL database from potential threats. Additionally, we’ll explore the importance of regular backups, disaster recovery planning, and compliance with various security standards and regulations.

Implementing robust authentication mechanisms

Implementing robust authentication mechanisms in PostgreSQL is critical for maintaining database security. One of the strongest methods available is SCRAM-SHA-256, which enhances the security of password-based authentication.

SCRAM-SHA-256, introduced in PostgreSQL 10, is a challenge-response authentication mechanism that is resistant to password sniffing on untrusted connections. It stores passwords in a cryptographically hashed form, offering a significant security improvement over older methods like MD5. This method not only makes brute force attacks more difficult but also ensures that the password hashes are secure. In comparison to MD5, SCRAM-SHA-256 doesn’t have known cryptographic weaknesses, making it a better choice for modern security standards.

Regularly updating and patching PostgreSQL

Keeping PostgreSQL up-to-date is crucial for maintaining the integrity and performance of your database systems. This necessity stems from several key factors:

Security: One of the primary reasons to regularly update PostgreSQL is security. Each update often includes patches for newly discovered vulnerabilities, and without these updates, databases could be left open to attacks, potentially leading to security breaches. It’s a proactive measure to protect sensitive data and the overall system from exploitation by external threats.

Performance enhancements: Updates to PostgreSQL are not just about security, as they frequently bring improvements to the overall performance of the database. These enhancements can lead to more efficient database operations, optimizing the use of system resources and improving the speed and reliability of data processing and retrieval.

Compatibility with new technologies: Regular updates also ensure that PostgreSQL remains compatible with the latest technologies and standards. This compatibility is crucial for seamless integration with other systems and applications, facilitating smoother operations and enabling the use of the latest features and tools available.

To manage updates effectively in PostgreSQL, it’s important to implement a structured approach. Start by establishing a regular schedule for checking and applying updates, which could be monthly, quarterly, or aligned with the release of major updates, depending on the specific needs of your organization. Before rolling out these updates to your production environment, it’s advisable to test them in a staging environment. This step is crucial for identifying any potential issues, such as compatibility problems with existing applications or configurations.

Incorporating automated testing into the update process can significantly enhance its efficiency, ensuring that updates do not disrupt the existing database functionalities. Always remember to back up your database before applying any updates, as this provides a safety net, allowing you to restore the database to its previous state if the update leads to unexpected issues.

Finally, after implementing an update, it’s important to closely monitor your database for any unusual behavior or performance issues that might be a consequence of the new update. 

Monitoring and auditing database activities

Implementing effective logging and auditing strategies is essential for monitoring database activities in PostgreSQL. These strategies aid in tracking user actions, understanding data modifications, and detecting unusual or unauthorized activities that could indicate security breaches or compliance issues.

To enhance monitoring capabilities, external tools and PostgreSQL extensions can be employed. For instance, Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) is a valuable resource for PostgreSQL monitoring. PMM offers an extensive suite of tools designed to provide deep visibility into database performance, helping you to identify inefficiencies and optimize your database operations. Its capabilities include tracking query performance, analyzing database workload, and monitoring key metrics in real time. This level of insight is crucial for maintaining optimal database health and performance.

Regular backup and disaster recovery planning

Regular backup and disaster recovery planning are critical components of PostgreSQL database management. The importance of regular backups cannot be overstated; they are a safeguard against data loss due to hardware failures, human errors, software bugs, or other unforeseen events, ensuring that your data is preserved and can be restored, maintaining both security and data integrity.

An effective strategy for secure backup storage involves not only regularly backing up your data but also storing these backups in a location separate from your primary data. This could mean using cloud storage, offsite physical storage, or a combination of both. It’s also essential to encrypt backup data to protect it from unauthorized access and to ensure that the integrity of the data is maintained during both storage and transmission.

Efficient disaster recovery processes require a well-thought-out plan that outlines clear steps to be taken in the event of a data loss incident. This plan should include details such as how to quickly restore data from backups, how to maintain business operations during a disaster, and how to communicate with stakeholders during the recovery process. Regular testing and updating of your disaster recovery plan are crucial to ensure that it remains effective over time.

Download our free eBook on PostgreSQL Disaster Recovery Best Practices

Compliance with Security Standards and Regulations

Adhering to compliance standards and regulations in database management is a critical aspect of handling sensitive data, especially when using PostgreSQL. Understanding and implementing these standards ensures that your database management practices align with legal and ethical requirements, particularly when dealing with personal or sensitive data.

For instance, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union imposes strict rules on data privacy and security. It requires organizations to safeguard personal data and respect the privacy rights of individuals. Similarly, in the healthcare sector, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States sets the standard for protecting sensitive patient data. Compliance with HIPAA involves ensuring that all patient records and health information are appropriately secured and access to them is tightly controlled.

Learn more about best practices for PostgreSQL Security

This blog post is the first of the PostgreSQL Security series. In this blog, I tried to cover the main overview of PostgreSQL security, which will make the basis for my next security topics.  The next blog post will be on PostgreSQL Internal Authentication. Stay tuned!

Our white paper “Why Choose PostgreSQL?” looks at the features and benefits of PostgreSQL and presents some practical usage examples. We also examine how PostgreSQL can be useful for companies looking to migrate from Oracle.

Download White Paper

PostgreSQL security FAQs

What is PostgreSQL security, and why is it important?

PostgreSQL security encompasses measures to protect the database from unauthorized access and threats. It’s crucial for safeguarding sensitive data, ensuring data integrity, and complying with legal and regulatory requirements.

What are some common PostgreSQL security vulnerabilities?

Common PostgreSQL security vulnerabilities include SQL injection, unauthorized access due to weak passwords, unencrypted data transfers, and misconfigured permissions that can lead to privilege escalation.

How do I manage user access and permissions securely in PostgreSQL?

Manage user access and permissions securely in PostgreSQL by creating roles with specific privileges, implementing role hierarchies, regularly reviewing and updating permissions, and adhering to the least privilege principle.

How does PostgreSQL handle password security and authentication?

PostgreSQL handles password security and authentication through features like strong password policies, support for various authentication methods (like LDAP, Kerberos, and certificate-based authentication), and encrypted password storage.

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You should add “passwords” to internal authentication.

$psql -c “SELECT pg_read_file(‘pg_hba.conf’);” | head -n -41 | tail -n 3
# METHOD can be “trust”, “reject”, “md5”, “password”, “gss”, “sspi”, “krb5”, +
# “ident”, “pam”, “ldap” or “cert”. Note that “password” sends passwords +
# in clear text; “md5” is preferred since it sends encrypted passwords. +
==> Informations from hba_conf_file.