Data at Rest Encryption Support in Percona Distribution for MongoDB OperatorAs we all know, security is very important these days and we read about many data leaks. Security has many aspects, but one of the most important is securing data since it is a vital asset to companies. When we speak about data, it can be encrypted at rest (transparent data encryption – TDE, full disk encryption, column/field-level encryption) or in transit (TLS).

What we will concentrate on in this blog post is data at rest encryption (specifically TDE) and how it is currently supported in Percona Distribution for MongoDB Operator, but also what the limitations are and the features coming in some of the next releases.

TDE basically means that any data which is not actively used is encrypted at the storage engine level (WiredTiger in this case), but this does not include logs or data which is replicated.

TDE in Percona Distribution for MongoDB Operator

TDE in Operator is based on options that Percona Server for MongoDB (PSMDB) supports and which were developed to be mostly the same or similar as in MongoDB Enterprise edition. The differences are that PSMDB doesn’t support KMIP or Amazon AWS key management services, but instead offers the ability to store the master key inside HashiCorp Vault.

The Operator currently doesn’t support storing keys in HashiCorp Vault as PSMDB does, and the master key is stored in the Kubernetes secret and mounted locally in database pods, but I will mention this more in the limitations section and future plans.

Options for data at rest encryption support in the Operator are only a few, and the defaults in the Operator are:

  • security.enableEncryption: true
  • security.encryptionCipherMode: AES256-CBC
  • security.encryptionKeySecret: optional (needs to be a 32 character string encoded in base64

You can read about the options here, but as you can see in Operator, encryption is enabled by default and if you don’t specify some custom security.encryptionKeySecret the Operator will create one for you.


Dynamically Enabling/Disabling

We cannot simply dynamically change the option to enable or disable encryption. If we try to do that, the Operator will try to restart MongoDB pods with new options and the pod start will fail. The reason is that MongoDB will just start with the new option on the old data directory, and it will not be able to read/write the data.

One of the ways this can be overcome is by creating a logical backup and then restoring on a cluster that has the desired option enabled. The second option would be to create a second cluster with the desired option and do a cross-cluster replication and then switch the main cluster to the new one.

Key Rotation

One of the most important things with encryption is the periodic rotation of the keys, but at this moment with the Operator, this is not so easy. This is basically the same issue as above, but if we try to just update the secret and restart the cluster the effect will be the same – MongoDB will not be able to read/write the data.

It can be overcome with the same options as above, but it will be made really easy with the ability to store the keys in the Vault. If you are interested in this functionality you can track the progress in this Jira ticket.

Storing the Key in the Vault

Currently, the Operator supports only storing the master key as a secret which is presented to PSMDB as a local file. This is not a recommended setup for production and is very limiting.

PSMDB has integration for storing the keys in HashiCorp Vault key management which is much more secure and also has the ability to rotate the master key. Basically, how it works is that PSMDB is restarted with the option “rotateMasterKey: true” and then it just generates a new key in the Vault and re-encrypts the specific database encryption keys (whole data is not re-encrypted).

Support for this is definitely one of the features in the roadmap and it will be a huge deal for data at rest encryption support in the Operator so stay tuned for upcoming changes. The request for implementing support for HashiCorp Vault integration can be tracked here.


As you can see, data at rest encryption in our Kubernetes Operator is supported but currently only at the most basic level. Our Percona Distribution for MySQL Operator already supports integration with HashiCorp Vault and since we like to keep the feature parity between our different operators, this functionality will be soon available in our MongoDB operator as well.

The Percona Kubernetes Operators automate the creation, alteration, or deletion of members in your Percona Distribution for MySQL, MongoDB, or PostgreSQL environment.

Learn More About Percona Kubernetes Operators

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Having TDE as part of PSMDB and the corresponding operator is great. But… it would be even greater, and make the TDE option usable for a larger audience, if you could possibly think about adding support for KMIP. Hashicorp Vault is probably an awesome product for but for shops that already have invested in another Key Manegement Store product adding another one may not be feasible.