Enabling SSL:TLS Sessions In PgBouncerPgBouncer is a great piece of technology! Over the years I’ve put it to good use in any number of situations requiring a particular type of control over application processes connecting to a postgres data cluster. However, sometimes it’s been a bit of a challenge when it comes to configuration.

Today, I want to demonstrate one way of conducting a connection session using the Secure Socket Layer, SSL/TLS.

For our purposes we’re going to make the following assumptions:

  • We are using a typical installation found on CENTOS-7.
  • PostgreSQL version 13 is used, but essentially any currently supported version of postgres will work.

Here are the steps enabling SSL connection sessions:

  1. Setup postgres
    • install RPM packages
    • setup remote access
    • create a ROLE with remote login privileges
  2. Setup pgbouncer
    • install RPM packages
    • setup the minimal configuration permitting remote login without SSL
  3. Generate SSL/TSL private keys and certificates
    • TLS certificate for postgres
    • TLS certificate for pgbouncer
    • Create a Certificate Authority (CA) capable of signing the aforementioned certificates
  4. Configure for SSL encrypted sessions
    1. postgres
    2. pgbouncer

Step 1: Setup Postgres

Setting up your postgres server is straightforward:

  • Add the appropriate repository for postgres version 13.
  • The datacluster is initialized.
  • The datacluster configuration files “pg_hba.conf” and “postgresql.auto.conf” are edited. Note that both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols have been configured.

2: Setup PgBouncer

There’s not much to this first iteration configuring pgbouncer. All that is required is to validate that a connection can be made before updating the SSL configuration.

NOTE: best practice recommends hashing the passwords when editing the file userlist.txt,. But for our purposes, keeping things simple, we’ll leave the passwords in the clear.

Step 3: Setup SSL/TSL Certificates

Create a root certificate fit for signing certificate requests:

Create two sets of keys and certificate requests, one for pgbouncer and postgres respectively. The certificate requests are signed with the newly created root certificate:

Validate the signed certificates:

Step 4: Install Certificates and Configure Servers For SSL Connectivity

Update ownership for keys and certificates:

Move keys and certificates into their respective locations:

Update pgbouncer.ini:

Update postgresql.auto.conf: 

And validate SSL connectivity:

CAVEAT: A Few Words About Those Certificates

Using certificates signed by a Certificate Authority offers one the ability to yet go even further than simply enabling SSL sessions. For example, although not covered here, you can dispense using passwords and instead rely on the certificate’s identity as the main authentication mechanism.

Remember: you can still conduct SSL sessions via the use of self-signed certificates, it’s just that you can’t leverage the other cool validation methods in postgres.

# #######################################################
# Only try an SSL connection. If a root CA file is present,
# verify the certificate in the same way as if verify-ca was specified
client_tls_sslmode = require
server_tls_sslmode = require
# Only try an SSL connection, and verify that the server certificate
# is issued by a trusted certificate authority (CA)
client_tls_sslmode = verify-ca
server_tls_sslmode = verify-ca
# Only try an SSL connection, verify that the server certificate
# is issued by a trusted CA and
# that the requested server host name
# matches that in the certificate
client_tls_sslmode = verify-full

And finally; don’t forget to save the root certificate’s private key, root.key, in a safe place!

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William Walker

Nice post, thanks!