The recent release of Percona Monitoring and Management 2.25.0 (PMM) includes a fix for bug PMM-6937: before that, PMM expected all monitoring connections to PostgreSQL servers to be made using the default postgres database. This worked well for most deployments, however, some DBaaS providers like Heroku and DigitalOcean do not provide direct access to the postgres database (at least not by default) and instead create custom databases for each of their instances. Starting with this new release of PMM, it is possible to specify the name of the database the Postgres exporter should connect to, both through the pmm-admin command-line tool as well as when configuring the monitoring of a remote PostgreSQL instance directly in the PMM web interface.

Secure Connections

Most DBaaS providers enforce or even restrict access to their instances to SSL (well, in fact, TLS) client connections – and that’s a good thing! Just pay attention to this detail when you configure the monitoring of these instances on PMM. If when you configure your instance the system returns a red-box alert with the saying:

Connection check failed: pq: no pg_hba.conf entry for host “”, user “pmm”, database “mydatabase”, SSL off.

and your firewall allows external connections to your database, chances are the problem is on the last part – “SSL off”.

Web Interface

When configuring the monitoring of a remote PostgreSQL instance in the PMM web interface, make sure you tick the box for using TLS connections:

PMM TLS connections

But note that checking this box is not enough; you have to complement this setting with one of two options:

a) Provide the TLS certificates and key, using the forms that appear once you click on the “Use TLS” check-box:

  • TLS CA
  • TLS certificate key
  • TLS certificate

The PMM documentation explains this further and more details about server and client certificates for PostgreSQL connection can be found in the SSL Support chapter of its online manual.

b) Opt to not provide TLS certificates, leaving the forms empty and checking the “Skip TLS” check-box:

What should rule this choice is the SSL mode the PostgreSQL server requires for client connections. When DBaaS providers enforce secure connections, usually this means sslmode=require and for this option b above is enough. Only when the PostgreSQL server employs the more restrictive verify-ca or verify-full modes you will need to with option a and provide the TLS certificates and key.

Command-Line Tool

When configuring the monitoring of a PostgreSQL server using the pmm-admin command-line tool, the same options are available and the PMM documentation covers them as well. Here’s a quick example to illustrate configuring the monitoring for a remote PostgreSQL server when sslmode=require and providing a custom database name:

Note that option server-insecure-tls applies to the connection with the PMM server itself; the options prefixed with tls are the ones that apply to the connection to the PostgreSQL database.

Tracking Stats

You may have also noticed in the release notes that PMM 2.25.0 also provides support for the release candidate of our own pg_stat_monitor. For now, however, it is unlikely this extension will be made available by DBaaS providers, so you need to stick with pg_stat_statements for now:


Make sure this extension is loaded for your instance’s custom database, otherwise, PMM won’t be able to track many important stats. That is the case already for all non-hobby Heroku Postgres but for other providers like Digital Ocean it needs to be created beforehand:

Percona Monitoring and Management is a best-of-breed open source database monitoring solution. It helps you reduce complexity, optimize performance, and improve the security of your business-critical database environments, no matter where they are located or deployed.

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