Percona Live 2020 Call for Papers extensionAn extension to the Percona Live 2020 Call for Papers deadline has been announced, and you now have until Wednesday, January 22 to submit your papers. The Percona Live Open Source Database Conference (to give it its full name) will be taking place in Austin, Texas from May 18-20, 2020. We will be at a new venue this year, the AT&T Conference Center.

We have had lots of great submissions already. We’d especially love to receive more for PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and other open source database technologies, cloud, and business challenges. Though, if you have a MySQL or MariaDB proposal to make, please don’t hesitate to submit.

As for the conference themes, we are expecting these to be the hot topics for 2020:

  • Success in the multi-verse: How to optimize performance, architecture, high-availability, replication, and more in a multi-cloud, multi-database environment.
  • Support of cloud native applications in database environments: How you burst scale and performance when you need it.
  • Managing systems at scale: How to manage 1000’s of databases effectively.
  • Finding and solving problems quickly: How you keep systems up and running in the heat of an outage or a slowdown.
  • Data security: How you prevent your database from leaking data.
  • Development: Best practices for enabling developers to self-support and database choices.

Why Austin in 2020?

Because according to our attendee feedback, Austin 2019 was judged to be one of the best Percona Live events to date! Where there was any dissatisfaction expressed, it was about the venue and especially around room capacities. We listened to your feedback, and by moving to the AT&T Conference Center, we will have fixed that.

Our New Submission Software

Our new submission software (Award Force) seems to have been handling things well so far. Here’s a hot tip for you, though. If you are submitting more than one paper, please remember to duplicate your first entry. Then just change the abstract related fields – this will save you a lot of time.

You will find that the new service allows you to partially enter your paper and then come back to it later, but this means you might forget to submit! At submission time, it will check that you have provided all the required fields before pushing the paper forward to our review queue.

Ready to Go? Set up an account now