Percona Monitoring and Management 2Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) is a free and open-source platform for managing and monitoring MySQL®, MongoDB®, and PostgreSQL® performance. You can run PMM in your own environment for maximum security and reliability. It provides thorough time-based analysis for MySQL, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL servers to ensure that your data works as efficiently as possible.

Please see our previous blog for full information on the new features included in PMM2, our latest software release.

To use PMM2 you will need to remove any earlier versions of PMM Server and Client as there is no in-place upgrade path for historical data, and then download and run our latest software.

Install PMM Server with docker

The easiest way to install PMM Server is to deploy it with Docker. Running the PMM2 Docker container with PMM Server can be done by the following commands (note the version tag of 2):

Now you can check the newly installed PMM Server in your browser, going to your server by its IP address and using the default credentials:

username: admin

password: admin

You will be prompted to change the admin password after logging in.

Install PMM Client

You can get PMM2 Client package from the official download page on the Percona web site, or use the official percona-release package from Percona to enable the tools repository, as follows (please see percona-release official documentation for further details on this new tool).

Ubuntu/Debian instructions

Install the Percona repository:

Install the pmm2-client package:

Red Hat/CentOS Instructions

Install the Percona repository:

Install the pmm2-client package:

Users who have previously installed pmm2-client pre-release versions should fully remove the package and then install the latest available version.

Configure PMM

Once PMM Client is installed, run the pmm-admin config command with your PMM Server IP address in order to register with the PMM Server:

Note that you need to pass the authentication string as part of the --server-url. These credentials are the same ones you used to login to PMM Server.

You should see the following:

Adding MySQL Metrics and Query Analytics

MySQL server can be added for the monitoring in its normal way. Here is a command which adds it using the PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA source:

where username and password are credentials for the monitored MySQL access, which will be used locally on the database host.

The syntax to add MySQL services (Metrics and Query Analytics) using the Slow Log source is the following:

When the server is added, you can check your MySQL dashboards and Query Analytics in order to view its performance information!

Adding MongoDB Metrics and Query Analytics

Please refer to PMM 2 documentation to find out how to set up the required permissions and enable profiling with MongoDB.

You can add MongoDB services (Metrics and Query Analytics) with a similar command:

Adding PostgreSQL Metrics and Query Analytics

Please refer to PMM2 documentation to find out how to add PostgreSQL extension for queries monitoring, as well as set up the required user permissions and authentication.

Add PostgreSQL monitoring to your PMM Server with the following command:

Where username and password parameters should contain actual PostgreSQL user credentials.

Add ProxySQL monitoring service

You can add ProxySQL service as follows:

Please help us improve our software quality by reporting any Percona Monitoring and Management bugs you encounter using our bug tracking system.

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More information on Linux generic client installation is much appreciated.

Step 1: Extract tar file.
pmmclient:/opt/mysql # tar -zxvf pmm2-client-2.0.0.tar.gz

pmmclient:/opt/mysql # cd pmm2-client-2.0.0/
pmmclient:/opt/mysql/pmm2-client-2.0.0 # ls
VERSION bin config debian example.prom install_tarball queries-mysqld.yml queries-postgres.yml rpm

Step 2: Install
pmmclient:/opt/mysql/pmm2-client-2.0.0 # ./install_tarball
Installing into /usr/local/percona/pmm2…

Step 3: Post install not seeing any client on the server.
pmmclient:/opt/mysql/pmm2-client-2.0.0 # pm
pmap pmap_set2 pmt-ehd pmvarrun


Config command: pmm-admin config –server-insecure-tls –server-url=https://admin:admin@:443
store the credentials in file : /usr/local/percona/pmm2/config/pmm-agent.yaml
Also it displays it when run: pmm-admin status

As config command only accepts user with grafanaAdmin privileges.
It should be implemented in way to not to disclose Admin password and also not to store any passwords (Grafana + Database) in monitoring nodes in plain text format.

Michael Coburn

Hi @Sids

What did you expect instead of the existing syntax? Can you provide an example?


Hey . I don’t see issue in syntax but the flow by which pmm-admin registers node.
This can be secured by not storing “GrafanaAdmin” credentials as PLAIN-TEXT on to monitoring nodes and if possible to allow configuring monitoring nodes with “Admin” credentials instead of “GrafanaAdmin” if possible. Already reported bug PMM-4743 for same.

BTW, PMM2 is great… 🙂


Looks like the client installation is not working as expected on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1 & SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3

pmmclient:/opt/mysql/pmm2-client-2.0.0 # ./install_tarball
Installing into /usr/local/percona/pmm2…

pmmclient:/opt/mysql/pmm2-client-2.0.0 # pmm-admin config –server-insecure-tls –server-url=https://admin:admin@ipaddress:444/
If ‘pmm-admin’ is not a typo you can use command-not-found to lookup the package that contains it, like this:
cnf pmm-admin

pmmclient:/opt/mysql/pmm2-client-2.0.0 # export PATH=/usr/local/percona/pmm2/bin:$PATH
pmmclient:/opt/mysql/pmm2-client-2.0.0 # pmm-admin config –server-insecure-tls –server-url=https://admin:admin@ipaddress:443
Checking local pmm-agent status…
pmm-agent is not running. Please re-run pmm-agent setup with –config-file flag.
pmmclient:/opt/mysql/pmm2-client-2.0.0 #



I have a problem when I add new service monitoring with different port and address :
pmm-admin add mysql –query-source=slowlog –username=’pmm’ –password=’****’ localhost:53308
Connection check failed: dial tcp connect: connection refused.

Why pmm-admin force the default ?



I was able to install and configure Generic Linux PMM agent by myself. At a high level the following are the steps followed.
Generic Linux PMM Agent Installation & Configuration.

tar -zxvf pmm2-client-2.0.0.tar.gz
cd pmm2-client-2.0.0

export PATH=/usr/local/percona/pmm2/bin:$PATH

#1) Configure Agent.
/usr/local/percona/pmm2/bin/pmm-agent setup –config-file=/usr/local/percona/pmm2/config/pmm-agent.yaml –server-insecure-tls –server-address=PMM-Hostname/IP:443 –server-username=admin –server-password=admin

#2) Start Agent
/usr/local/percona/pmm2/bin/pmm-agent –config-file=/usr/local/percona/pmm2/config/pmm-agent.yaml &

#3) Add MySQL to pmm monitoring.
/usr/local/percona/pmm2/bin/pmm-admin add mysql –environment=PROD –replication-set=repset-name –username=DB_USER_NAME –password=DB_PASSWD –query-source=perfschema Hostname HostIP:3306

Jeremy Hutchings

Yes, it appears the current version is broken as the pmm-agent won’t set up correctly, it’s referring to a command that doesn’t exist

Jeremy Hutchings

Figured it out. To configure pmm-agent –server-url isn’t going to work, it needs –server-address along with –server-username and –server-password


pmm-admin config
Checking local pmm-agent status…
pmm-agent is not running. Please re-run pmm-agent setup with –config-file flag.


Hi, if I’m running pmm-server version 1.17.1 in a docker container and have a pmm data volume, will that data be compatible with pmm version 2 ? and would I still be able to view my historic data through pmm 2?


Michael Coburn

Hi Crazyhorse, there is no in-place migration for data from 1.x to 2.x . You will need to set up a separate PMM 2 Server


Hi again, how can I run the pmm and pmm2 clients in parallel until I have enough historic data on pmm2 that I can then switch pmm off? I notice the clients both use the ‘pmm-admin’ command, is there anyway for the 2 clients to differentiate the configuration?

Michael Coburn

Hi @crazyhorse019
See our post from late November on how to run both clients at the same time on the same host:


Hi I want to install pmm server on Rhel server. I have downloaded all related RPMs. And pmm-server-server rpm. But how to start pmm and how GUI will come up. ?
I can’t see any instructions to install pmm server in stand alone rhel machine.
Institutions just talk about docker ,aws, and VMware
Pls let me know

Michael Coburn

Hi @Pavan

Percona does not support installation formats outside of the three: docker, AWS Marketplace, or OVA/OVF. Sorry,

Paweł Babilas

Any idea how to run client on mysql and connect to remote pmm2 server? My pmm2 is server at pod and I’m tryiung to connect my clinet from other pod with mysq and then I’ve got:

bash-4.2$ sudo pmm-admin config –server-insecure-tls –server-url=https://admin:[email protected]:443
Checking local pmm-agent status…
pmm-agent is running but does not read configuration from the file. Please restart it with –config-file flag.

Why it want to connect to local agent when I set server url??

Michael Coburn

Hi @pawel
Are you using Kubernetes? At this time PMM is not supported in a k8s environment. We are working to provide this support in an upcoming release, as it will impact how we deliver pmm2-client package as well as our PMM Server docker image.


Interestingly we are also getting the same error, we are not running on k8s but using docker image.

i have followed the instructions to the T but unable to get it to run. both server and client are on dockers,

Kindly help

Michael Coburn

Hi Vivek, Percona is supporting Customers running PMM Server 2 on Kubernetes and docker. I recommend you post to the Percona Forums, tag me there and we’ll get you working 🙂

Juanjo Ivars

Hello, How can i add collectors to node_exporter? In the previous version of PMM i only had to edit the systemd unit, how is achived in that new version?

Michael Coburn

Hi Juanjo,

PMM2 does not yet support modification of the node_exporter collectors. We expect to introduce this functionality in an upcoming release