The PostgreSQL RDBMS has shown rapid growth in terms of adoption and usability for a wide range of industries and projects. The same is true as for the new methodologies for application development and deployment, which currently focuses on making it easier for developers to get the infrastructure and the DB model they need with not too much intervention from other IT teams, so they can jump into their development process as quick as possible.

The PostgreSQL community is very active and always has included new features in every release that cover or improve some necessities for this changing and always evolving IT world. 

In this blog post, I’m going to go through a “small” feature just added in the latest PostgreSQL version 14 release. This for sure comes in handy when the time for granting privileges for users in the DB model comes. This is the inclusion of two new predefined roles, which can simplify the privilege management:

  • pg_read_all_data 
  • pg_write_all_data

This new facility to grant access in a wide scope requires to be used with the proper control and awareness, especially when we work in a production environment. With that said, let’s check what is this about.

Users, Roles, and Privileges

When working with a PostgreSQL system, the concepts of Users and Roles may be used indistinguishably from each other, they refer to a cluster-level object that usually represents a database user (User) and/or can act as a logical container for privileges (Role), the syntax is often interchangeable, ie:

NOTE: In this blog, we are going to grant the privileges directly to the users for sake of simplicity, however, as a best practice is advisable to set all permissions to a role rather than a user so we can get better control over them.

The privileges are all those permissions an administrator, or object owner, can grant to a role (and thus to a user, or a set of users) and apply to specific objects within a database context. Depending on the object type there are different privileges that can be granted, their usage and effect are not exactly in the scope of this blog post but you can review the official documentation as always. 

We are going to review a specific use case to get how the new predefined roles can be used to simplify some of the actions related to the access control.

The Use Case

Let’s imagine we are working in a new application or service that will use our loved PostgreSQL database as backend, this application can be an ETL, a data extraction tool, or even an on-demand microservice, the thing is it requires access practically to all the data in our PG cluster, that means all the user tables (and views) within all the schemas and in all the databases present in the cluster. Think in the next model, two databases, one has two schemas the other only one schema, each schema is owned by a different user, each schema has one or more tables. Our application user is going to be named appuser

Getting Hands-On

Before trying this with the new predefined roles let’s check how it would be handled in a PostgreSQL 13.

First, create the user

If we connect with our new user and try to access the tables on schema1:

Ok, grant USAGE on the schema to the user:

Now try to select from the table:

Ok, ok, we need to grant SELECT to the table, got it:

Now try the other table in the schema:

Mmmh, ok, let’s grant SELECT over all the tables in the schema:


What about somebody finds that the model needs a new table (table3), look at the next:

Now our appuser tries to read from it, we already granted SELECT over all the tables, right?:

We have to repeat the previous grants in the new table, just as we did for the table2 table.  

To let our user keep the read access even in new tables we have to alter the default privileges at the schema:

Now if a new table is created our user will have access to it:


But do not forget we have another schema, and the appuser should be able to get the data from there as well.

OK, we have to apply all the above… again. 

And also remember we have a different database in the cluster, so:

We have to do the same for this database’s schemas and tables as well. 

Is true we can follow the well-known “code once, execute many” and turn all these steps into a single automation piece, but we still need to take them into consideration since they are needed.

What about the “little” feature in PostgreSQL 14 we want to check around, the new predefined roles are described as follow:


Allowed Access


Read all data (tables, views, sequences), as if having SELECT rights on those objects, and USAGE rights on all schemas, even without having it explicitly. This role does not have the role attribute BYPASSRLS set. If RLS is being used, an administrator may wish to set BYPASSRLS on roles which this role is GRANTed to.


Write all data (tables, views, sequences), as if having INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE rights on those objects, and USAGE rights on all schemas, even without having it explicitly. This role does not have the role attribute BYPASSRLS set. If RLS is being used, an administrator may wish to set BYPASSRLS on roles which this role is GRANTed to.

So, how our previous scenario would work in PostgreSQL 14? let’s check it out. 

As before, we start creating our user

If we try accessing the table right now with our new user, we know what is going to happen:

The magic starts here, we can grant the new predefined role:



Even for the other schema:

Now let’s add a new table:

And try the SELECT from it:


What about the other database:


As we can see, a single command did the work for the previous multiple commands we required in PG13, cool!.

For the write privileges we should do almost the same: 

  • For PG13 grant the UPDATE, INSERT, and (acting with caution) the DELETE instead of SELECT.
  • In PG14 grant the pg_write_all_data role.

NOTE: Granting only the privileges for DML directly or using the new PG14 predefined role, without the read part the user won’t be able to perform UPDATES or DELETES over subsets, due to it requires the filtering, and that only is viable if the read access is in place.

This feature might help us to get things done quickly, especially if we are working in large environments. However, we always need to be sure to who we are giving access to and how it will be used. 

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