Interest in Percona XtraDB Cluster / Galera has been high ever since we introduced the product in 2012.  I typically have a conversation about Galera and Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) at least once a week with a consulting customer who wants to know if it will be a good fit for their application.  Last week I gave a webinar entitled “Migrating to Percona XtraDB Cluster.”

I covered everything in the webinar that I feel it is important for someone to know who is considering Galera and I’d suggest anyone who wants Should you migrate to Percona XtraDB Cluster / Galera?a brief overview of PXC/Galera spends an hour watching the recording.  There were many questions asked in the webinar, but I answered all of them regarding Percona XtraDB Cluster. Access to the webinar is free along with download of the accompanying slides.

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What is Percona XtraDB Cluster? PXC is a replacement for conventional MySQL master/slave architectures to eliminate replication lag and achieve a highly-available masterless cluster of MySQL servers. Like all Percona software, PXC is open source and free.

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one hint to a problem I searched for several days…:
Eliminate the “10 second”-timeout out of /usr/bin/clustercheck !!!!

It’s counterproductive because … mysql has default timeouts and if you use haproxy there you also could manage timeouts!

A constant timeout here (in this script) on the other hand would take your node down from the view of your app when there’s no need for that!!!!

Try the difference!


Well it’s a bit late to be asking this question because we just migrated a big project a few days ago. Works great. Thanks guys 🙂