Welcome to MySQL QA Episode #6!

Today we will look into analyzing and filtering our QA run. We’ll use tools like pquery-prep-red.sh, pquery-clean-known.sh & pquery-results.sh

1. Quick re-cap and QA run setup
2. pquery-prep-red.sh
3. pquery-clean-known.sh
4. pquery-results.sh
5. Bonus: pquery reach – pquery-reach++.sh

We’ll also introduce the text_string.sh tool which extracts a most-specific text string from the error log in order to classify a bug/issue.

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Shahriyar Rzayev

If you run pquery-run.sh first time you will likely get an error indicating missing “jemalloc” package:

[root@centos-base percona-qa]# ./pquery-run.sh
[07:40:46] [] Assert! jemalloc not found at /usr/lib64/libjemalloc.so.1, please install it!
./pquery-run.sh: line 31: //home/221554/pquery-run.log: No such file or directory

The solution for CentOS 7 is just activating EPEL and installing:

yum -y install epel-release
yum -y install jemalloc

Shahriyar Rzayev

Another issue i have encountered is:
[08:07:25] [0] Copying datadir from template…
ls: cannot access /home/470678/data.template/*: No such file or directory
[08:07:25] [0] Assert: /home/470678/data.template/ is empty? Check /home/470678/log/mysql_install_db.txt to see if the original template creation worked ok. Terminating.

[root@centos-base ~]# cat /home/470678/log/mysql_install_db.txt
FATAL ERROR: please install the following Perl modules before executing /opt/mysql-5.6.19/scripts/mysql_install_db:

solution is:
yum install perl-Data-Dumper

Shahriyar Rzayev

@Roel Van de Paar thank you for such wonderful tutorials 🙂 it is pleasure to test and learn.

Shahriyar Rzayev

Dear all,
Also you may be hit an error below, first pquery-prep-red.sh
[root@centos-base 362406]# ~/percona-qa/pquery-prep-red.sh
Something is wrong: this script could not read reducer.sh at /sda/randgen/util/reducer/reducer.sh – please set REDUCER variable inside the script correctly.

You must edit pquery-prep-red.sh and give a correct path to find reducer.sh. Default is:
# User variables

Just change it and it will work correctly.

To get a reducer.sh just do:

bzr branch lp:randgen