Welcome to the 10th episode in the MySQL QA series! Today we’ll talk about reproducing and simplifying: How to get it Right.

Note that unless you are a QA engineer stuck on a remote, and additionally difficult-to-reproduce or difficult-to-reduce bug, this episode will largely be non-interesting for you.

However, what you may like to see – especially if you watched episodes 7 (and possibly 8 and 9) – is how reducer automatically generates handy start/stop/client (cl) etc. scripts, all packed into a handy bug tarball, in combination with the reduced SQL testcase.

This somewhat separate part is covered directly after the introduction (ends at 11:17), as well as with an example towards the end of the video (starts at time index 30:35).

The “in between part” (11:17 to 30:35) is all about reproducing and simplifying, which – unless you are working on a remote case – can likely be skipped by most; remember that 85-95% of bugs reproduce & reduce very easily – and for this – episode 7, episode 8 (especially the FORCE_SKIPV/FORCE_SPORADIC parts), and the script-related parts of this episode (start to 11:17 and 30:35 to end) would suffice.

As per the above, the topics covered in this video are:
1. percona-qa/reproducing_and_simplification.txt
2. Automatically generated scripts (produced by Reducer)

========= Example bug excerpt for copy/paste – as per the video
Though the testcase above should suffice for reproducing the bug, the attached tarball gives the testcase as an exact match of our system, including some handy utilities
$ vi {epoch}_mybase # Update base path in this file (the only change required!)
$ ./{epoch}_init # Initializes the data dir
$ ./{epoch}_start # Starts mysqld (MYEXRA –option)
$ ./{epoch}_stop # Stops mysqld
$ ./{epoch}_cl # To check mysqld is up
$ ./{epoch}_run # Run the testcase (produces output) using mysql CLI
$ ./{epoch}_run_pquery # Run the testcase (produces output) using pquery
$ vi /dev/shm/{epoch}/error.log.out # Verify the error log
$ ./{epoch}_gdb # Brings you to a gdb prompt
$ ./{epoch}_parse_core # Create {epoch}_STD.gdb and {epoch}_FULL.gdb; standard and full var gdb stack traces

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Shahriyar Rzayev

Thank you again for detailed explanation. So the steps we should take for reproducing are:
1. 14xxx_init
3. 14xxx_cl -> for checking it is up or not
4. 14xxx_run or (run_pquery)
5. 14xxx_gdb
6. 14xxx_parse_core

So 14xxx_run.sh is just running generated SQL file as input file using mysql client:
${MYBASE}/bin/mysql -uroot –binary-mode –force -S/dev/shm/1440150447/socket.sock is a binary file]

It is calling pquery-run.sh and assigns 1440150447.sql as INFILE? (INFILE=${SCRIPT_PWD}/pquery/5.7.7.sql)