Percona Monitoring and Management AWS MarketplacePercona Monitoring and Management has been available for single-click deployment from AWS Marketplace for several years now, and we have hundreds of instances concurrently active and growing rapidly due to unparalleled ease of deployment.

Today we’re announcing we are changing pricing for Percona Monitoring and Management on AWS Marketplace. Currently, Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) is available on AWS Marketplace at no added cost, and effective June 1, 2021, we will add a surcharge equal to 10% of the PMM AWS EC2 Costs.

Why are we making this change?

Making Percona Monitoring and Management available as a one-click deployment on AWS Marketplace is a considerable resource investment, yet, with the current model, only AWS directly benefits from the value which we jointly provide to the users choosing to run PMM on AWS. With the addition of this surcharge, both companies will benefit.

How does this reflect on Percona’s Open Source Commitment?

Percona Monitoring and Management remains a fully Open Source Project.  We’re changing how commercial offerings jointly provided by AWS and Percona will operate.  

I do not want to pay this surcharge, are there free options?

Using Amazon Marketplace is not the only way to deploy PMM on AWS. Many deploy PMM on Amazon EC2 using Docker, and this option continues to require no additional spend other than your infrastructure costs.

What are the benefits of running Percona Monitoring and Management through AWS Marketplace compared to alternative deployment methods?

The main benefit of running Percona Monitoring and Management through the AWS Marketplace is convenience; you can easily change the instance type or add more storage as your PMM load grows. You also have an easy path to high availability with CloudWatch Alarm Actions.


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How does the 10% surcharge compare?

We believe 10% extra for software on top of the infrastructure costs is a very modest charge.  Amazon RDS, for example, has a surcharge starting at 30% to more than 70%, depending on the instance type.

How will I know the exact amount of such a surcharge?

Your bill from AWS will include a separate line item for this charge, in addition to the infrastructure costs consumed by PMM.

What does it mean for Percona Monitoring and Management on AWS Marketplace?

Having a revenue stream that is directly tied to AWS Marketplace deployment will increase the amount of resources we can spend on making Percona Monitoring and Management work with AWS even better. If you’re using PMM with AWS, deploying it through Amazon Marketplace will be a great way to support PMM Development.

Will Percona Monitoring and Management started through AWS Marketplace be entitled to any additional Support options?

No, Percona Monitoring and Management commercial support is available with Percona Support for Open Source Databases.  If you do not have a commercial support subscription, you can get help from the community at the Percona Forums.

What will happen to Percona Monitoring Instances started from AWS Marketplace which are already up and running?

As new pricing goes into effect on June 1st, AWS will give you 90 days’ notice before applying new prices.  If you want to avoid the surcharge, you can move your installation to a Docker-based EC2 install.

What Could AWS Do Better?

It would be great if AWS would develop some sort of affiliate program for Open Source projects, which would allow them to get a share from the value they create for AWS by driving additional infrastructure spend without having to resort to added costs. I believe this would be a win-win for Open Source projects, especially smaller ones, and AWS.