Would you like to get the latest in Percona gear 100% free, shipped to you anywhere in the world? Maybe that sounds too good to be true, but it’s true!  It’s easy and takes as little as 20 minutes to earn your swag. Here are some examples of the swag items you can claim:

Percona Swag

So what’s the catch? Percona software products are now listed on four online software directories, but our listings are too new to have accumulated many user reviews. We need reviews!

So our offer is simple. You write one review, you pick one Percona swag item. You write two reviews, you pick two. Seven reviews, pick seven pieces of swag, our limit. But you must post your reviews by November 15, 2020!

Any meaningful review earns swag, be it positive, negative, or mixed. Write whatever you believe; only write something! There’s no swag for a review that gives a rating but says nothing at all or nothing meaningful, so make those reviews count!

Here’s where to post reviews:

ProductCapterra  G2          TrustRadius  SourceForge
Percona Monitoring and ManagementCapterraG2TrustRadiusSourceForge
Percona Server For MySQLCapterraG2TrustRadiusSourceForge
Percona XtraDB ClusterCapterraG2TrustRadiusSourceForge
Percona XtraBackupCapterraG2TrustRadiusSourceForge
Percona Distribution for PostgreSQLn/aG2TrustRadiusSourceForge
Percona Backup for MongoDBn/aG2TrustRadiusSourceForge
Percona Server for MongoDBn/an/aTrustRadiusSourceForge
Percona Kubernetes Operator for Percona XtraDB Clustern/aG2TrustRadiusSourceForge

You can review several different products and post them on one site, or you can write one product review and post it on multiple sites.  Or post any combination of reviews, up to a max of seven.  The more reviews you post, the more the swag delivered to your home address for free, courtesy of Percona.

To claim your swag, write to <[email protected]>.  Include:

  • Links to each review you posted.
  • Your postal mailing address.
  • Your phone number (for delivery use only, never for marketing)

For t-shirt orders, also state:

  • Color (White, Black, or Blue)
  • Size (Small, Medium, Large, or Extra Large)

It’s that simple! Start writing now!

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Do I need to post the review on all the platforms(Capterra,G2,TrustRadius,SourceForge) or post it on any one of the platform?

Tom Basil

You can post a review on just one platform or on several of them. Each post counts as a separate entry for swag purposes. You do not need to post on all platforms to qualify for swag.


Hang on … is Percona Toolkit is not one of the products any more? I remain a big fan of pt-online-schema-change it’s been such a work-horse for me over the years.

Tom Basil

Eric – Good point! I’ll check to see if we can add Percona Toolkit for any reviews. I understand there were limits on how many products could be listed, which may be the reason for its omission. Thanks for the tip. – Tom