Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) comes with Database as a Service (DBaaS) functionality that allows you to deploy highly-available databases through a simple user interface and API. PMM DBaaS is sort of unique for various reasons:

  • It is fully open source and free
  • It runs on your premises – your data center or public cloud account
  • The databases are deployed on Kubernetes and you have full control over your data

PMM features a robust API but while I have seen demos on the internet demonstrating the UI, I have never seen anything about API. PMM API is great for building tools that can automate workflows and operations at scale. In this blog post, I’m going to impersonate a developer playing with PMMs API to deploy and manage databases. I also created an experimental CLI tool in python to showcase the possible integration.

Percona Private DBaaS API in Action


At the end of this step, you should have the following:

  • Percona Monitoring and Management up and running
  • Kubernetes cluster 
  • PMM API token generated

First off, you need a PMM server installed and reachable from your environment. See the various installation ways in our documentation.

For DBaaS to work you would also need a Kubernetes cluster. You can use minikube, or leverage the recently released free Kubernetes capability (in this case it will take you ~2 minutes to set everything up).

To automate various workflows, you will need programmatic access to Percona Monitoring and Management. The recommended way is API tokens. To generate it please follow the steps described here. Please keep in mind that for now, you need admin-level privileges to use DBaaS.

Using API

I will use our API documentation for all the experiments here. DBaaS has a dedicated section. In each step, I will provide an example with the cURL command, but keep in mind that our documentation has examples for cURL, Python, Golang, and many more. My PMM server address is and my token eyJrIjoiNmJ4VENyb0p0NWg1ODlONXRLT1FwN1N6YkU2SW5XMmMiLCJuIjoiYWRtaW5rZXkiLCJpZCI6MX0=. Just replace these with yours.

In the demo below, you can see me playing with PMM API through percona-dbaas-cli tool that I created to demonstrate possible integration for your teams. The goal here is to deploy the database with API and connect to it.

Below are the basic steps describing the path from setting up PMM to deploying your first database.

Connection check

To quickly check if everything is configured correctly, let’s try to get the PMM version.

API endpoint: /v1/version

CLI tool: percona-dbaas-cli pmm version 


It should return the information about the PMM server. If you get the error, there is no way we can proceed.

In the CLI tool, if you have not configured access to the PMM, it will ask you to do it first.

Enable DBaaS in PMM

Database as a Service in PMM is in the technical preview stage at the time of writing this blog post. So we are going to enable it if you have not enabled it during the installation.

API endpoint: /v1/Settings/Change

CLI tool: percona-dbaas-cli dbaas enable 


Now you should see the DBaaS icon in your PMM user interface and we can proceed with further steps. 

Register Kubernetes cluster

At this iteration, PMM DBaaS uses Percona Kubernetes Operators to run databases. It is required to register the Kubernetes cluster in PMM by submitting its kubeconfig.

API endpoint: /v1/management/DBaaS/Kubernetes/Register

CLI tool: percona-dbaas-cli dbaas kubernetes-register 

Registering k8s with cURL requires some magic. First, you will need to put kubeconfig into a variable and it should be all in one line. We have an example in our documentation:

It is much more elegant in python or other languages. We will think about how to simplify this in the following iterations.

Once the Kubernetes cluster is registered, PMM does the following:

  1. Deploys Percona Operators for MySQL and for MongoDB
  2. Deploys Victoria Metrics Operators, so that we can get monitoring data from the Kubernetes in PMM

Get the list of Kubernetes clusters

Mostly to check if the cluster was added successfully and if the Operators were installed.

API endpoint: /v1/management/DBaaS/Kubernetes/List

CLI tool: percona-dbaas-cli dbaas kubernetes-list 


In the CLI tool, I decided to have a nicely formatted list of the clusters, as it is possible to have many registered in a single PMM server.

Create the database

Right now our DBaaS solutions support MySQL (based on Percona XtraDB Cluster) and MongoDB, thus there are two endpoints to create databases:

API endpoints: 

CLI tool: percona-dbaas-cli dbaas databases-create 


In the experimental CLI tool, I decided to go with a single command, where the user can specify the engine with the engineflag.

Notice that I also set the expose flag to true, which instructs the Operator to create a LoadBalancer Service for my cluster. It is going to be publicly exposed to the internet, not a good idea for production.

There are various other parameters that you can use to tune your database when interacting with the API.

For now, there is a certain gap between the features that Operators provide and the API. We are heading towards more flexibility, stay tuned for future releases.

Get credentials and connect

It will take some time to provision the database – in the background, Persistent Volume Claims are provisioned, the cluster is formed and networking is getting ready. You can get the list of the databases and their statuses by looking at /v1/management/DBaaS/DBClusters/List endpoint. 

We finally have the cluster up and running. It is time to get the credentials:

API endpoints:

CLI tool: percona-dbaas-cli dbaas get-credentials 


This will return you the endpoint to connect to, user and password. Use your favorite CLI tool or ODBC to connect to the database.


Automated database provisioning and management with various Database as a Service solution is becoming a minimal requirement for agile teams. Percona is committed to helping developers and operations teams to run databases anywhere. You can deploy fully open source Percona Monitoring and Management in the cloud or on-premises and provide a self-service experience to your teams not only through UI but API as well.

Right now PMM DBaaS is in technical preview and we encourage you to try it out. Feel free to tell us about your experience in our community forum.

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