Enhancing MySQL Security WebinarJoin Percona Support Engineer, Vinicius Grippa, as he presents his talk Enhancing MySQL Security on Thursday, March 7th, 2019 at 7:00 AM PST (UTC-8) / 10:00 AM EST (UTC-5).

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Security is always a challenge when it comes to data. What’s more, regulations like GDPR add a whole new layer on top of it, with rules more and more restrictive to access and manipulate data. Join us in this presentation to check security best practices, as well as traditional and new features available for MySQL including features coming with the new MySQL 8.

In this talk, DBA’s and sysadmins will walk through the security features available on the OS and MySQL. For instance, these features include:

– SO security
– Audit Plugin
– MySQL 8 features (undo, redo and binlog encryption)
– New caching_sha2_password
– Roles
– Password Management
– FIPS mode