AKA Cluster Error Voting…

Cluster Error VotingWhat is Cluster Error Voting (CEV)?

“Cluster Error Voting is a new feature implemented by Alexey Yurchenko, and it is a protocol for nodes to decide how the cluster will react to problems in replication. When one or several nodes have an issue applying an incoming transaction(s) (e.g., suspected inconsistency), this new feature helps. In a 5-node cluster, if 2-nodes fail to apply the transaction, they get removed, and a DBA can go in to fix what went wrong so that the nodes can rejoin the cluster. (Seppo Jaakola)”

This feature was ported to Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) in version 8.0.21. As indicated above, it is about increasing the resilience of the cluster, especially when TWO nodes fail to operate and may drop from the cluster abruptly. The protocol is activated in a cluster with any number of nodes.

Before CEV, if a node has a problem/error during a transaction, the node having the issue would report the error in his own log and exit the cluster:

While the other nodes will “just” report the node as out of the view:

With CEV, we have a different process. Let us review it with images first.

Let us start with a cluster…

3 Nodes, where only one works as Primary.

Primary writes and, as expected, writesets are distributed on all nodes.

Some inexperienced DBA does a manual operation on a secondary using the very unsafe feature wsrep_on…

And then, by mistake or because he did not understand what he is doing…

At the end of the operation of the Secondary node, he will have:

This is not in line with the rest of the cluster that still has the previous data. Then our guy put the node back:

At this point, the Primary does another insert in that table and:

Houston, we have a problem! 

The secondary node already has the entry with that ID and cannot perform the insert:

But instead of exit from the cluster, it will raise a verification through voting:

As you can see, each node informs the cluster about the success or failure of the operation, and the majority wins.

Once the majority had identified the operation was legit, as such, the node that asked for the voting will need to get out from the cluster:

It is also nice to notice that now we have a decent level of information about what happened in the other nodes; the log below is from the Primary:

At this point, a DBA can start to investigate and manually fix the inconsistency and have the node rejoin the cluster. In the meantime, the rest of the cluster continues to operate:


Cluster Error Voting (CEV) is a nice feature to have. It helps us better understand what goes wrong and increases the stability of the cluster, and with the voting has a better way to manage the node expulsion.

Another aspect is visibility; never underestimate the fact information is available also on other nodes. Having it available on multiple nodes may help investigations if the log on the failing node gets lost (for any reason).

We still do not have active tuple certification, but it is a good step, especially given the history we have seen of data drift in PXC/Galera in these 12 years of utilization.

My LAST comment is that while I agree WSREP_ON can be a very powerful tool in the hands of experts, as indicated in my colleague’s blog How to Perform Compatible Schema Changes in Percona XtraDB Cluster (Advanced Alternative). That option remains DANGEROUS, and you should never use it UNLESS your name is Przemysław Malkowski, and you really know what you are doing.

Great MySQL to everybody!



Galera Clustering in MariaDB 10.5 and beyond – Seppo Jaakola – MariaDB Server Fest 2020


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