security threat tool percona monitoring and managementWith version 2.9.1 of Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) we delivered some new improvements to its Security Threat Tool (STT).

Aside from an updated user interface, you now have the ability to run STT checks manually at any time, instead of waiting for the normal 24 hours check cycle. This can be useful if, for example, you want to see an alert gone after you fixed it. Moreover, you can now also temporarily mute (for 24 hours) some alerts you may want to work on later.

But how do these actions work?


In a previous article, we briefly explained how the STT back end publishes alerts to Alertmanager so they appear in the STT section of PMM.

Now, before we uncover the details of that, please bear in mind that PMM’s built-in Alertmanager is still under development. We do not recommend you use it directly for your own needs, at least not for now.

With that out of the way, let’s see the details of the interaction with Alertmanager.

To retrieve the current alerts, the interface calls an Alertmanager’s API, filtering for non-silenced alerts:

This call returns a list of active alerts, which looks like this:

Active alerts have a startsAt timestamp at the current time or in the past, while the endsAt timestamp is in the future. The other properties contain descriptions and the severity of the issue the alert is about. labels, in particular, uniquely identify a specific alert and are used by Alertmanager to deduplicate alerts. (There are also other “meta” properties, but they are out of the scope of this article.)

Force Check

Clicking on “Run DB checks” will trigger an API call to the PMM server, which will execute the checks workflow on the PMM back end (you can read more about it here). At the end of that workflow, alerts are sent to Alertmanager through a POST call to the same endpoint used to retrieve active alerts. The call payload has the same structure as shown above.

Note that while you could create alerts manually this way, that’s highly discouraged, since it could negatively impact STT alerts. If you want to define your own rules for Alertmanager, PMM can integrate with an external Alertmanager, independent of STT. You can read more in Percona Monitoring and Management, Meet Prometheus Alertmanager.


Alertmanager has the concept of Silences. To temporarily mute an alert, the front end generates a “silence” payload starting from the metadata of the alert the user wants to mute and calls the silence API on Alertmanager:

An example of a silence payload:

As a confirmation of success, this API call will return a silenceID:



From this quick overview, you can hopefully understand how simple it is for us to deliver security checks. Alertmanager helps us a lot in simplifying the final stage of delivering security checks to you in a reliable way. It allows us to focus more on the checks we deliver and the way you can interact with them.

We’re constantly improving our Security Threat Tool, adding more checks and features to help you protect your organization’s valuable data. While we’ll try to make our checks as comprehensive as possible, we know that you might have very specific needs. That’s why for the future we plan to make STT even more flexible, adding scheduling of checks (since some need to run more/less frequently than others), disabling of checks, and even the ability to let you add your own checks! Keep following the latest releases as we continue to iterate on STT.

For now, let us know in the comments: what other checks or features would you like to see in STT? We love to hear your feedback!

Check out our Percona Monitoring and Management Demo site or download Percona Monitoring and Management today and give it a try!