High AvailabilityOn March 22, 2018, we held a webinar on how Percona XtraDB cluster 5.7 (PXC) and ProxySQL can help achieve your database clustering high availability needs. Firstly, thanks to all the attendees for taking time to attend the webinar and we are sure you had a webinar experience. We tried answering some of your high availability questions during the call but due to time restrictions if we missed some of the questions then this blog will help clarify them.

Q. You say the replication to servers is virtually synchronous, if there is any latency, does ProxySQL detect this and select a node accordingly?

A. PXC nodes are virtually synchronous, which effectively means while the apply/commit of a transaction may be in progress on one node, other nodes may have completed applying it. There is no direct way for ProxySQL to know about this, but it could be traced by looking at wsrep_last_applied and wsrep_last_committed. Also, if a user expects to always fetch updated data, then a wsrep_sync_wait configuration can be used.

Q. Hello, do you suggest geoReplication / wan clustering for an e-commerce website? Let ‘s say www.domain.it served by an Italian pxc cluster and www.domain.us served by a US PXC cluster?

A. Geo-distributed PXC is already in use by a lot of customers, and is meant to exactly serve the use-case you have pointed out. An important aspect of geo-distributed clustering (that often gets missed) is to configure timeout and window setting to accommodate network latency and segment settings. There is also a separate webinar on this topic and you can surely get in touch with us to find out more details on how to configure it correctly.

Q. Can we add a read-only node with PXC?

A. You can simply mark the selected nodes as super_read_only (or read_only). Replication continues as normal but direct traffic is blocked.

Q. Does the ProxySQL impact performance?

A. Using all of ProxySQL’s features gives you a huge performance improvement. Here is the sample use case.

Q. I have not had “excellent” results with Drupal. (e.g., clearing cache sometimes causes corruption, although i ensure all tables do have a primary key). Any advice on its suitability? I am currently using proxySQL with a single percona (non-cluster) 5.7 but would like to try again with PXC if advisable.

A. Not sure what exact problem you faced, but you may want to check this variable and articles around it wsrep_drupal_282555_workaround.

Q. Another question (to queue up as you are able to answer if possible): do you recommend SSL between ProxySQL — and specifically, what are the performance impacts, especially if there’s some latency between proxySQL and master percona db for writes?

A. We recommend SSL for security reasons, but it depends on the individual setup. Currently, ProxySQL does not support SSL from frontends. This feature is only available since 2.0. https://github.com/sysown/proxysql/wiki/SSL-Support

Q1. Can i put two PXC clusters in master-slave replication mode with automatic failover?

Q2. How can i setup two PXC clusters in master-slave replication model with automatic failover?

A. You can have async master-slave replication link among two PXC clusters, but automatic failover of the node (if the acting master from cluster-1 fails then another active nodes of the cluster takes over as master) is currently not supported.

Q. Can the replication be done from ProxySQL level, so that if one node goes down in slave PXC, another node in PXC will take over the slave role?

A. This feature is not supported through ProxySQL. You can monitor replication lag through ProxySQL.

Q. Suppose if i have 5 node cluster in DC1 & DC2, how can we make transaction successful as soon as nodes in DC1 are committed rather than waiting for certification from nodes in DC2?

A. Given the transaction is executed on the local node and during commit (as a pre-commit stage) it is replicated (replication action doesn’t include certification and commit) to the other nodes of the cluster. Once replicated each node can parallelly certify, apply and commit the transaction. So this effectively means a transaction doesn’t need to be certified on all the nodes of the cluster before communicating commit success to end-user. Once the transaction is replicated, originating node can complete the local commit and communicate success to the application.

Q. Hi, thank you for the webinar is ProxySQL support HA, is it a single point of failure?

A. ProxySQL supports Native Clustering, thereby forming a ProxySQL cluster (vs. a single ProxySQL node) and in turn helps avoid a single point failure.

Q.  What is a good setup you will recommend, make proxySQL on some other server/vm or on the same as one of PXC nodes?

A. We would recommend installing ProxySQL on an independent node (or share with other applications). We don’t recommend installing ProxySQL on a PXC node. If the node hosting PXC and ProxySQL goes down (network or power failure), even though the cluster is working, the application will still lose connectivity as the ProxySQL gateway goes down as well.

Q. Let’s say we have three nodes, good quorum, what happened when one node goes down for maintenance what happens to the quorum since only two nodes now?

A. Two nodes can still form the quorum and continue servicing the workload.

Q If the transaction is not committed to all the nodes then will the cluster remains locked for read too?

A. No. The transaction commit is independent of a read action. “transaction commit” can continue in the background and the user can continue to read from the cluster node. If a user has configured wsrep_sync_wait, which effectively means wait for a transaction to get committed to fetch updated data only, then the read may wait for transaction commit to complete.

Q. Is there a way to do partitioning over data? To not have 100% replicate in each master?

A. PXC/Galera, being a multi-master solution, doesn’t recommend unsync data nodes. As an end-user you can still achieve it by setting wsrep_on=off -> execute a workload (this will not be replicated on the cluster) -> wsrep_on=on (all action post this point will again follow replication). This can lead to data inconsistency, though,  and shutdown of the cluster if the workload or action are not properly segregated – so not-recommended.

Q. Are changes done by triggers rollbackable?

A. Yes, they are.

Q. Does ProxySQL prevent “mysql server gone away” in mostly idle daemons?

A. ProxySQL Monitor Module regularly probes the backend nodes and marks the node as OFFLINE in the ProxySQL database if MySQL server is down.

Q. Can proxysql cache rules use regexes?

A. We can use regex with ProxySQL query rules. Go here for more info.

Q. Can PMM be used in Digitalocean droplets?

A. Yes.

Q. In regards to PXC, how much delay is introduced when data is written since it has to appear on all nodes?

A. When a user initiates a transaction on given node (let’s call it an originating node), then it is first applied (not committed) on the said node and a binary write-set is created. This write-set is then replicated on other nodes of the cluster. Once the replication is successful, each node can independently certify, apply and commit the transaction. Since originating node has already applied the transaction, it just needs to certify and commit the transaction. But it is interesting to note that the apply stage on the other replicated node is fast too, given that the transaction is now packed in a database optimized apply format. In short, there would be no delay (or marginal delay). Delay could be higher if the transaction is a huge transaction, as the apply stage could take time. That is one of the reasons Galera doesn’t recommend huge transactions.

Q. How does PXC (Percona XtraDB Cluster) allow DDL (schema changes) on one server with DML on the same table on another server? (This can break MySQL Master-Master replication)?

A. PXC executes DDL using the TOI (total order isolated) protocol. In short, while DDL is executing it takes complete control of the node (no other parallel DML or DDL is allowed). DDL executes at the same position on all then does.

Q. Can ProxySQL split read-write queries based on stored procedure names (patterns)? e.g. sp_write vs sp_read?

A. ProxySQL read/write split is based on mysql_query_rules and hostgroups. For more info.

Q. Can we use ProxySQL with a single node for the query caching feature? Especially since query cache will be discontinued in MySQL 8?

A. If you configure Query Cache properly, you can cache queries for a single node. 

Q. Must binary logging be enabled for ProxySQL / PXC to work?

A. PXC replicates write-sets. While binary logging is not needed, PXC still needs these write-sets that are generated using binary logging module so PXC can then enable emulation based bin logs for a generation of these write-sets (persistence to disk is not needed). If disk space is not a constraint, we recommend you enable binary logging.

Q. Please define Galera and Percona, as well as the relationship between the two?

A. Galera is replication technology owned and developed by Codership and distributed under GPL license. Percona has adopted the said technology along with its Percona Server for MySQL and build PXC. Percona continues to refresh updates made to Galera and related wsrep-plugin on a regular basis. At the same time, Percona also continues to refresh from Percona-Server for MySQL for related enhancement and bug fixes.

Q. Is the ProxySql Admin tool the script/tool that you mentioned would autodetect your existing PXC or there’s a different script? Trying to know if you need to have the PXC and ProxySQL installed at the same time?

With ProxySQL, do we need to wait for active threads on the PXC to drain before shutting down the PXC?

A. ProxySQL Admin (proxysql-admin) script helps you configure your PXC nodes to ProxySQL database. PXC and ProxySQL should be up and running to initiate proxysql-admin script. For more info.

If you trigger PXC node shutdown proxysql_galera_checker script marks the node as offline in the ProxySQL DB, and new connections aren’t redirected to the offline node.

Q. 1) HAProxy and ProxySQL: which one has the better performance when the number of Clusters is large? Up to 30 Clusters?
2) What´s the better tool to monitoring a large number of clusters and nodes?

A. For PXC, we strongly recommend ProxySQL as it is closely integrated with PXC. HAProxy works with PXC as well, and before ProxySQL we had customers using it. For a quick comparison, you can take a look at following article.

Q. When the PXC settings have a maximum connection how does ProxySQL allow for much more than the standard connections?

A. ProxySQL terminates the connection with a connection timeout error.


Once again, thanks for your questions and queries. If you still have more questions or need clarification, you can log them at the percona-xtradb-cluster forum. We would also like to know what else you expect from Percona XtraDB Cluster in upcoming releases.