MongoDB UsersPercona recognizes MongoDB’s performance, reliability, and flexibility and has been evaluating, developing, and extending MongoDB software since 2015.

Along with many others, Percona believes that fully open source software provides great value to users and we will continue to follow that ethos and practice.

We are involved with MongoDB software, services, and support on many levels. Some of the most notable are detailed below.

Percona Server for MongoDB

Percona Server for MongoDB is a free and open source drop-in replacement for MongoDB Community Edition. It offers all the features and benefits of MongoDB Community Edition, plus additional enterprise-grade functionality.

The first GA version of Percona Server for MongoDB was released on December 14, 2015. Since then we have regularly released updates, training, and bug fixes, ensuring our users are fully informed and have the most up-to-date software possible.

Our latest version, Percona Server for MongoDB 4.0.10-5, includes HashiCorp Vault integration for added security. You can read our recent blog for more information on the new and improved features it contains.

Percona Backup for MongoDB

As part of our commitment to MongoDB, we continue to create features and software components that help users achieve optimal database performance and security.

Having observed a business need we set about creating an open source MongoDB backup tool which gives users enhanced database disaster recovery abilities. As a result, on June 17, 2019 we were excited to announce the early release of our latest software product Percona Backup for MongoDB 0.5.0.

Percona Backup for MongoDB is a free open source back-up solution for consistent backups of MongoDB sharded clusters and replica sets. It enables you to manage your own back-ups without third party involvement or costly licenses.

The GA version of Percona Backup for MongoDB is scheduled to be released later in 2019.

Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) for MongoDB

Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) is a free and open source platform which allows you to manage and monitor the performance of your MongoDB database.

You can run PMM in your own environment for maximum security and reliability. It provides thorough time-based analysis to ensure that your data works as efficiently as possible.

Percona Monitoring and Management can be used on-premises and in the cloud with providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and others.

We will be releasing PMM 2, a greatly enhanced version of our PMM software later in 2019. Further details can be found here.

Percona Toolkit for MongoDB

Percona Toolkit is a collection of advanced open source command-line tools, developed and used by the Percona technical staff, engineered to perform a variety of MongoDB server and system tasks that are too difficult or complex to perform manually. This frees up your DBAs to focus on work that helps you achieve your business goals.

These tools are ideal alternatives to private or “one-off” scripts because they are professionally developed, formally tested, and fully documented. They are also fully self-contained, so installation is quick and easy, and no libraries are installed.

MongoDB User Services

In addition to our own open source versions of MongoDB software, we offer a range of services, including Support and Consulting.

Many companies have mission-critical applications which depend on their MongoDB database environment. But what happens if your database goes down or isn’t running at the optimum level? Percona brings world-class database expertise and open source values to provide a comprehensive, responsive, and cost-effective plan to help your business succeed.

Percona services are available to help your business succeed, whether you rely on Percona Server for MongoDB or MongoDB Community.

MongoDB Webinars and Updates

One of our core values is to keep users informed and up-to-date on software and market changes. Consequently, we provide regular webinars and updates on a variety of topics. Past webinars can be accessed via our website.

We have three upcoming MongoDB-themed webinars led by Percona experts:

Tuesday, June 25th, 2019 – Aayushi Mangal presents: MongoDB Transactions

Transactions are a feature of RDBMS systems, but MongoDB is a document-oriented non-RDBMS database. In MongoDB 4.0, a new multi-document transaction feature has been introduced in a replica set environment. This webinar will explore how a transaction in MongoDB is achieved.

Wednesday, June 26th, 2019 – Adamo Tonete presents: MongoDB Data Security – Custom Rules and Views

Adamo will discuss how to create custom rules when the default rules are not enough for the application, and how to use view to hide fields from users when you don’t want them to read the whole collection. This is a great webinar for anyone with security concerns.

Thursday, June 27th, 2019 – Marcos Albe presents: Beyond Relational Databases: A Look Into MongoDB, Redis, and ClickHouse

We all love relational databases… until we use them for a purpose they are not best suited for. Queues, caches, catalogs, unstructured data, counters, and many other use cases could be solved with relational databases, but are better solved with alternatives. This webinar reviews goals, pros and cons, and use cases of some of these alternatives, looking at modern open source implementations. You will learn the basics of three database paradigms (document, key-value, and columnar store), find out when it’s appropriate to opt for one of these, and when you should choose relational databases instead.

Please Contact us for More Information

We hope this brief update on Percona’s MongoDB capabilities has been useful. Please look out for our upcoming MongoDB software releases, webinars, and blogs.

Percona has extensive experience advising companies on the best way to configure, manage, and run their MongoDB databases. To learn more, please contact us at 1-888-316-9775 or 0-800-051-8984 in Europe or [email protected].