Not long after this year’s SouthEast LinuxFest 2019 in mid-June I’ll be speaking at a series of open source database meetups in Russia & UK, plus a big data MeetUp in France. At Percona we’re well aware of the growing number of Percona software users around the world, and whenever we have a chance to meet users at relevant local events we like to take advantage of the opportunity. The meetups listed below are free to attend. As well as the technical topics on the agendas, I’ll be sharing Percona plans and vision and ready to answer your questions. If you can make it, please come and say hi.

On behalf of team Percona I express gratitude to Mail.Ru Group in Moscow, Selectel in St.Petersburg and Elonsoft & IT61 Community in Rostov, Federico Razzoli in London, and Anastasia Lieva of the Big Data/Data Science MeetUp, Montpellier for hosting and organizing these events.

Saint Petersburg, June 26

Venue: Selectel office, Tsvetochnaya street, 19, Saint Petersburg
Date and time: Wednesday, June 26, 2019 meet at 6.30pm for a 7pm start


I’ll be sharing the floor with Sergei Petrunia of MariaDB Corporation.

  • Ten Things a Developer Should Know About Databases Peter Zaitsev, CEO, Percona
  • MariaDB 10.4 – What’s New? Sergei Petrunia, Software Developer, MariaDB Corporation

Rostov-on-Don, June 27

Venue: Rubin co-working space, Teatralniy avenue, 85, 4th floor, Rostov-on-Don
Date and time: Thursday, June 27, 2019 meet at 6.30pm for a 7pm start


In Rostov-on-Don, I’ll be presenting two talks:

  • Ten Things a Developer Should Know About Databases
  • MySQL: Scaling & High Availability

Moscow, July 1

Venue: Mail.Ru Group office, “Cinema hall” room,  Leningradsky avenue, 39, build. 79, Moscow
Date and time: Monday, July 1, 2019 meet at 6.00pm for a 6.30pm start


In Moscow, I’ll be joined by Vlad Fedorkov of ProxySQL and Kirill Yukhin of Mail.Ru.

  • Ten Things a Developer Should Know About Databases Peter Zaitsev, CEO, Percona
  • ProxySQL 2.0: How to Help MySQL Cope with Heavy Workload Vlad Fedorkov, Lead Consultant, ProxySQL
  • Tarantool: Now with SQL Kirill Yukhin, Engineering Team Lead, Mail.Ru

London, July 4

Venue: Innovation Warehouse, 1 East Poultry Avenue, London EC1A 9PT
Date and time: Thursday, July 4, 2019 meet at 6.00pm for a 6.30pm start
Registration: London Open Source Databases MeetUp


It would be great to see some new faces and interesting topics at the lightning talks, this is a great idea from Federico and I hope that people take him up on this.

  • London OSDB community lightning talks, if you’d like to present please contact Federico!
  • Ten Things a Developer Should Know About Databases
  • Ask Me Anything!

Montpellier, July

At the time of writing this blog we’ve a few things to iron out, but save the date and check out the MeetUp page… I’ll update this blog as soon as I have firm information.

Venue: Ellium Tech, Rond-Point Benjamin Franklin, Montpellier
Date and time: Tuesday, July 9 at 7:00pm 
Registration: Big Data/Data Science MeetUp, Montpellier


I’ll be presenting two talks:

  • Performance Analyses and Troubleshooting Technologies for Databases
  • Data Visualization with Grafana

It’d be good to see you…

Whether you’re a customer, a technology user, a data enthusiast, thinking about applying for a role at a great company (Percona!), or perhaps just passionate about open source software you’re invited to come and say “Hi” and ask questions of me or of my fellow speakers.

I look forward to seeing you! If you have any questions about the events, please feel free to contact Percona’s community team.


Map Photo by Ian on Unsplash