We have recently become a member of oCERT to aid in allowing responsible disclosure for Percona products and services as can be seen on their members page.

We are presently working on the verbiage for the responsible disclosure program, and we are also investigating establishing a bug bounty program. In the mean time you can refer to our security contact page which will be updated as more information becomes available.

Secondly as you have quiet possibly noticed www.percona.com now enforces SSL and requests are redirected to https://www.percona.com should a http request be made.

This is but one small part of the continuing security initiative here at Percona and one I am happy to finally announce completion of as it had been on the “list” for some time.

The current SSL configuration follows best practices such as those laid out in the Mozilla Security Server Side TLS wiki entry, and as such gains an A+ rating from Qualys’ SSLLabs.com

There are of course still improvements to be made, and we are incrementally deploying those as they are completed and pass QA which sometimes leads to unavoidable delays. I would like to thank isvsecwatch for their report (which came in near the end of the overhaul process) and their patience in the extended time it took to get it into production.