GTID replicationThis blog continues the ongoing series on daily operations and GTID replication and binary logs purge.

In this blog, I’m going to investigate why the error below has been appearing in a special environment I’ve been working with on the last few days:

The error provides the right message and explains what is going on. But sometimes, it can be a bit tricky to solve this issue: you need additional information discovered after some tests and readings. We try and keep Managed Services scripted, in the sense that our advice and best practices are repeatable and consistent. However, some additional features and practices can be added depending on the customer situation.

Some time ago one of our customer’s database servers presented the above message. At that point, we could see the binary log files in a compressed form on master (gzipped). Of course, MySQL can’t identify a compressed file with a .gz extension as a binary log. We uncompressed the file, but replication presented the same problem – even after uncompressing the file and making sure the UUID of the current master and the TRX_ID were there. Obviously, I needed to go and investigate the problem to see what was going on.

After some reading, I re-read the below:

When the server starts, the global value of gtid_purged, which was called before as gtid_lost, is initialized to the set of GTIDs contained by the Previous_gtid_log_event of the oldest binary log. When a binary log is purged, gtid_purged is re-read from the binary log that has now become the oldest one.


That makes me think: if something is compressing binlogs on the master without purging them as expected by the GTID mechanism, it’s not going to be able to re-read existing GTIDs on disk. When the slave replication threads restarts, or the DBA issues commands like reset slave and reset master (to clean out the increased GTID sets on Executed_Gtid_Set from the SHOW SLAVE STATUS command, for example), this error can occur. But if I compress the file:

  • Will the slave get lost and not find all the needed GTIDs on the master after a reset slave/reset master?
  • If I purge the logs correctly, using PURGE BINARY LOGS, will the slave be OK when restarting replication threads?

Test 1: Compressing the oldest binary log file on master, restarting slave threads

I would like to test this very methodically. We’ll create one GTID per binary log, and then I will compress the oldest binary log file in order to make it unavailable for the slaves. I’m working with three virtual machines, one master and two slaves. On the second slave, I’m going to run the following sequence: stop slave, reset slave, reset master, start slave, and then, check the results. Let’s see what happens.

On master (tool01):

Here we see that each existing binary log file has just one transaction. That will make it easier to compress the oldest binary log, and then disappear with part of the existing GTIDs. When the slave connects to a master, it will first send all the Executed_Gtid_Set, and then the master sends all the missing IDs to the slave. As Stephane Combaudon said, we will force it to happen! Slave database servers are both currently in the same position:

Now, we’ll compress the oldest binary log on master:

On tool03, which is the database server that will be used, we will execute the replication reload:

Bingo! We broke the replication streaming on the slave. Now we know that the missing GTID on the master was due to the compressed file, and wasn’t able to be passed along to the connecting slave during their negotiation. Additionally, @@GTID_PURGED was not reloaded as per what the online manual said. The test was done and we confirmed the theory (if you have additional comments, enter it at the end of the blog).

Test 2: Purge the oldest file on master and reload replication on slave

Let’s make it as straightforward as possible. The purge can be done manually using the PURGE BINARY LOGS command to get it done a proper way as the binary log index file should be considered a part of this purge operation as well (it should be edited to remove the file name index entry together with the log file on disk). I’m going to execute the same as before, but include purging the file manually with the mentioned command.

Now, we’ll execute the commands to check how it goes:

The GTID on the purged file is needed by the slave. In both cases, we can set the @@GTID_PURGED as below with the transaction that we know was purged, and move forward with replication:

The above adjusts the GTID on @@GTID_PURGED to just request the existing GTIDs, using the oldest existing GTID minus one to make the slave start the replication from the oldest existing GTID. In our scenario above, the replica restarts replication from 4fbe2d57-5843-11e6-9268-0800274fb806:2, which lives on binary log file mysqld-bin.000002. Replication is fixed, as its threads can restart processing the data streaming coming from the master.

You will need to execute additional steps in checksum and sync for the set of transactions that were jumped when setting a new value for @@GTID_PURGED. If replication continues to break after restarting, I advise you to rebuild the slave (possibly the subject of a future blog).

Good explanations about this can be found on the below bug, reported by the Facebook guys and Laurynas Biveinis, the Percona Server Lead (who clarified the issue):

  • MySQL Bugs: #72635: Data inconsistencies when the master has truncated binary log with GTID after crash;
  • MySQL Bugs: #73032: Setting gtid_purged may break auto_position and thus slaves;


Be careful when purging or doing something manually with binary logs, because @@GTID_PURGED needs to be automatically updated when binary logs are purged. It seems to happen only when expire_logs_days is set to purge binary logs. Yet you need to be careful when trusting this variable because it doesn’t consider the fraction of days, depending on the number of writes on a database server, it can get disks full in minutes. This blog showed that even housekeeping scripts and the PURGER BINARY LOGS command were able to make it happen.

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You are giving me way too much credit for the clarification 🙂 I only posted the commit messages of the fixes on those bugs