Percona Live Europe 2018 two weeks to goFor those who are looking forward to Percona Live Europe in just two weeks time—and for those yet to make up their minds—some of our presenters have shared some insight into their talks and what they’re most looking forward to themselves. Make no mistake, this is one of the most exciting events in the conference calendar for those of us who work with open source databases.

This year, our conference previews are being hosted over on the Percona community blog and the posts have been written by the presenters.

Percona Live Europe presents…

Here are the first six posts in this series of Percona Live Europe presents. There are more to come, so do come back over the next few days to see if any of the writers can help you pinpoint the talks that you are most interested in attending this year:

  • Dinesh Joshi will be taking a look at boosting Apache Cassandra’s performance using Netty
  • Federico Razzoli on why he’s investigating MariaDB system versioned tables
  • Jaime Crespo of Wikimedia Foundation will be presenting a entry level (but detailed) tutorial on query optimization, and a break out talk on TLS security, you can find out more in his blog post
  • Tiago Jorge of Oracle on his talk about MySQL 8.0 replication
  • There’s going to be an ElasticSearch 101 tutorial presented by three of the team from ObjectRocket—Antonios Giannopoulos tells you more about that stellar opportunity—while last but by no means least…
  • Arjen Lentz, new CEO of MariaDB Foundation, is keen to share with you the latest information on MariaDB 10.3

Tantalized? Keep meaning to book your seat? There’s not long left now, so head straight to the registration page and book your place. Percona Live Europe will be in  Frankfurt from November 5-7 2018.

About the community blog

We’re really pleased that the community blog is gaining some great support. It offers a platform for all to write on the general topic of open source databases. Commercial and non-commercial. Those who are already prolific bloggers, and those who maybe only want to write a blog or two on a topic that they feel strongly about. If you’d like to join us and write for the community blog, please get in touch! You can email me.