For those not familiar with it, FOSDEM is an amazing, free entry, full on celebration of open source that takes place in Brussels, Belgium every year. This year the event was held over the first weekend of February. Fringe events, such as the Pre-FOSDEM MySQL day hosted by Oracle MySQL, and the community dinner that follows, provide an opportunity to network.

In case you didn’t make it to FOSDEM this year, here are links to Percona’s presentations from the event. Organizers video and share online every talk from every dev room, a phenomenal achievement in itself. All credit to the volunteers who run this show.

Database Dev Room: Hugepages and databases presented by Fernando Laudares Camargos


MySQL, MariaDB and Friends Dev Room: MySQL Replication – Advanced Features presented by Peter Zaitsev


MySQL, MariaDB and Friends Dev Room: MySQL Performance Schema in 20 Minutes presented by Sveta Smirnova


Monitoring and Observability Dev Room: Using eBPF for Linux Performance Analyses by Peter Zaitsev

Percona enjoyed plenty of attention in the booth area where shared information about our open source, free-as-in-beer projects. We were in Brussels after all!

Evgeniy Patlan, Slava Sarzhan and Alexey Palazhchenko enjoying booth duty

Evgeniy Patlan, Slava Sarzhan and Alexey Palazhchenko enjoying booth duty

Percona Booth FOSDEM 2019

Alexey making sure everything is in order at the Percona booth

Sandra Dannenberg art

Passing artist and open source enthusiast Sandra Dannenberg took a liking to our Percona logos and painted her own versions. They’re great aren’t they? FOSDEM is that kind of event… we’re looking forward already to 2020!