Percona Live 2019Many of our regular attendees already know that the Percona Live Open Source Database Conference is not all about Percona software or, indeed, all about Percona. However, with moving to a new city—Austin, TX— we have realized that it’s something we ought to shout out loud and clear. Our conference really is technology agnostic! As long as submissions were related to open source databases then they were candidate for selection.

We have thirteen tracks at this year’s conference including a track entitled “Other Open Source Databases” which we are presenting alongside tracks dedicated to MySQL®, MariaDB®, MongoDB®, and PostgreSQL. And that’s not all. While most talks are technology-oriented, we also have tracks that are highly relevant if you are managing technology aspects of your business. For those still considering the impact of GDPR you’ll be able to hear talks about other issues relating to compliance and data security that you might well want to get to grips with. Or perhaps consider the talks oriented towards business and enterprise. Maybe you are looking to minimize your license costs by moving from proprietary to open source databases? In which case our migration track might be for you. There are five more tracks for you to discover… why not take a look?

We’d like to thank the volunteer conference committee again for their contributions in developing this fantastic, diverse, and intriguing program!

Companies represented by speakers at Percona Live 2019

Also, of course, not all of the talks are given by Percona speakers. As you can see from this graphic at least sixty companies are represented by speakers at the event, including some huge names not just in the open source space but in the tech space as a whole. Anyone heard of Facebook? Uber? Oracle? Walmart? MailChimp? Alibaba… I won’t list all sixty names, but you get the idea! In fact, both Facebook and Alibaba are sponsoring their own tracks at this year’s conference, alongside PingCap presenting a track dedicated to TiDB. Don’t miss out! Our advanced rate registration ends on Sunday April 21 after which the price moves to standard registration rate. Don’t delay…

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companies represented by speakers at percona live 2019


We base Percona Live events in major cities, use premium venues, and sponsor our own staff to speak…Percona Live is an expensive production and we heavily subsidize the tickets. We are eternally grateful to our sponsors who share the costs of keeping Percona Live special. Without their support it would be very difficult to host an event of this quality and scale.

Diamond sponsors



Platinum sponsors

Veritas Logo


Gold sponsors


Silver Sponsors


Branding sponsors


Media sponsors

Austin Technology Council

Thanks again to all of our sponsors, we appreciate your support!