Comments on: Insert Random Data into Tables Using mysql_random_data_load Mon, 12 Feb 2024 23:27:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Carlos.Salguero Thu, 21 Nov 2019 19:09:39 +0000 Could you specify the MySQL flavor and version and the program version?
I ran it and I couldn’t reproduce the issue:

./mysql_random_data_load –port 12345 sakila actor 100
INFO[2019-11-21T16:04:06-03:00] Starting
0s [====================================================================] 100%
INFO[2019-11-21T16:04:07-03:00] 100 rows inserted

By: Sravan Thu, 07 Nov 2019 21:31:16 +0000 Hello, I am running the command but it just hangs …. pls see below for the exact command am executing. Also please note that I could make a successful connection to the exact same mysql database on same host

[ec2-user@ip-10-0-0-104 bin]$ mysql –host= –port=3306 –user=root –password=root –database=sakila -e “show tables;”
| Tables_in_sakila |
| actor |
| category |
| country |
| language |
| t1 |

[ec2-user@ip-10-0-0-104 bin]$ ./mysql_random_data_loader sakila actor 100 –host= –port=3306 –user=root –password=root
INFO[2019-11-07T16:28:21-05:00] Starting
— [——————————————————————–] 0%


Greatly appreciate your response and help on how to troubleshoot this hanging situation. Can we put the program in debug mode or any other way to get the log of what the error is?

Please let me know, if you would like me to provide additional information.

By: auron chien Mon, 01 Jul 2019 06:52:43 +0000 Hi all expert, I am also hit the same error message in below when I tried.
OS: Oracle Linux7.6
Mysql:mysql Ver 8.0.15-6 for Linux on x86_64 (Percona Server (GPL), Release 6, Revision 63abd08)

[root@mydb1 bin]# ./mysql_random_data_loader sakila actor 65535 –host= –port=3306 –user=abo –password=
INFO[0000] Cannot set time zone to UTC: this authentication plugin is not supported

By: Hasan Ovuc Fri, 12 Jan 2018 20:37:52 +0000 Hi Agustin,

I ask the question in the forum, later. I think it is not a bug. Only just something going wrong, maybe db configuration.


By: Agustin G Fri, 12 Jan 2018 20:16:10 +0000 Thanks for the idea! I have filed a feature request for this, to add –print 🙂

By: sbester Fri, 12 Jan 2018 19:40:54 +0000 A true feature would be to eliminate the need for this program totally. In other words, let the program output the most compact SQL to populate any given table with X rows, without needing itself.. Perfect for standalone testcases….. 😉

By: Agustin G Fri, 12 Jan 2018 15:49:10 +0000 Hi Hasan,

What exact command are you using? From the message, I believe you are not setting the password correctly (or at all?). You can check credentials by using the mysql client, and then using the same in the mysql_random_data_load tool:

shell> mysql –host= –user= –password=

A better platform for these questions is our forums: or directly over the tool’s issues page if you think this could be a bug: Let me know if you create a new thread, and we can continue over there.

By: hasan.ovuc Fri, 12 Jan 2018 12:45:16 +0000 I got the error message in below when I tried.

2018/01/12 15:42:19 Cannot set time zone to UTC: Error 1045: Access denied for user ”@’′ (using password: NO)
