As is typical at the beginning of every April, many of us who submitted talks to the Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo are wondering why we submitted so many.  I had 3 official talks selected, including one that is a 6-hour tutorial, as well as a BoF.  Here’s the highlights:

Percona XtraDB Cluster / Galera in Practice (6 hour tutorial):

I’ve been working on this tutorial since last summer.  The first incarnation was at Percona Live NY last year, but I’ve altered it quite a bit and expanded to fit (hopefully) a 6 hour format.  Expect a lot of down and dirty hands-on work with setting up, managing and monitoring PXC.  MariaDB Galera Cluster users should fit right in:


Migrating to Percona XtraDB Cluster for MySQL

This is a 1-hour talk that covers the ins and outs of what it takes (and means) to migrate to PXC.  Expect high level over view of PXC architectures with use cases (and anti-use cases), as well as a practical look at what configuring a PXC setup looks like.  Again, Galera / MariaDB Galera Cluster users should fit right in here.


The Hazards of Multi-writing in a Dual-Master setup

This talks covers the basics of why multi-writing multi-master architectures without a replication technology that somehow prevents or handles replication conflicts is a usually bad idea.  If you’ve considered an architecture that uses standard MySQL async replication with any kind of circular replication and multi-node simultaneous writing, you should check this out:


BOF: Galera / Percona XtraDB Cluster for MySQL

I also submitted a Birds of Feather talk for Galera and PXC.  I know Percona PXC experts like myself and the Codership folks should be in attendance.  I can’t speak for any representatives from the MariaDB Galera Cluster team, but they are certainly most welcome.  I’d really like to focus this BoF on real-life experiences and “hard” questions about Galera that we can ask of Codership instead of yet another “Galera 101” session if we can help it.


Hope to see you at the conference!  With all of the Galera talks at the conference, this is really the premier Galera conference of the year!