We’re giving away three full conference passes (worth $995 each) to the Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo, and you can win one simply by sharing the conference with your friends and colleagues! Second prize is one of ten copies of the new High Performance MySQL, 3rd Edition (worth $55 each), the recently released update to the popular second edition!

This year’s MySQL Conference and Expo will be the best ever, with a better lineup of talks and speakers than ever before.  It’s the one event you should not miss if you’re at all interested in MySQL.  We really want you to be there — and that’s why we’re giving away free tickets and books, and making it easy for you to enter the contest!  Here’s how you can win:

  • Follow our Twitter feed, and retweet us when we mention this contest
  • Tweet “My favorite #MySQL conference session” with a link to your favorite
  • “Like” your favorite conference session with Facebook
  • +1 your favorite conference session via Google Plus

To Tweet, “like,” or +1 a session, just browse to the session and use the social sharing buttons on it.

It is OK to enter multiple times — each time you enter increases your chances of winning. We’ll run the contest for a week, so you can enter on multiple days and increase your odds further. You can also enter via our sponsors’ networks; here’s a list of sponsors who are participating in the contest:

If you don’t use social media such as Twitter and Facebook, you can still enter to win! Just sign up for our newsletter and we’ll count that as an entry too.

After a week, we’ll select the lucky winners at random from all of the entries combined, including entries via sponsors’ networks.  We’ll contact the winners privately to confirm, and then post another blog entry here to announce the results.  Make sure we (or our sponsor) can contact you privately somehow. For example, if you follow us on Twitter, we can direct-message you.

Official contest rules:

  1. You agree to let us mention you in the winner’s announcement blog post
  2. You acknowledge that this contest is for a conference in Santa Clara, California on April 10th-12th
  3. Three first prizes are a free full conference pass to the conference and tutorials; you are responsible for your own travel, lodging, and other expenses. Ten second prizes are a free copy of the new book “High Performance MySQL, 3rd Edition” which will be available for pickup at the conference or mailed to winners who are unable to attend.
  4. You’re not eligible to win if you’re affiliated with the event: for example, an employee of Percona, a sponsor of the event, the event management staff, or their family or spouse
  5. Winning a conference pass doesn’t entitle you to a refund for a ticket you’ve already purchased, but you may give your prize to someone else instead
  6. The contest runs from now (March 15th, depending on your timezone) through the 22nd, and we’ll announce the winners as soon afterwards as we can

Good luck!

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Dathan Pattishall

this should actually go viral within the community. Good chance for a good K-Factor. That being said I did my part 🙂

Kate D.

Hey guys, How are you? I have a career opportunity in the SF Bay Area with an amazing start-up company who is looking for a Senior level DBA who lives and breathes MySQL. If you’re interested, please give me a call ASAP, this is a critical fill for my client. Salary is very attractive. Email me if you’re interested. [email protected]