MySQL Bug Reporter Hall of FameRecently, I got access to the list of MySQL bug reports from which someone crawled and stored in a MySQL database. I thought it would be interesting to see who the heroes are of MySQL bug reporting!

Top MySQL Bug Reporters Ever

Congrats Shane Bester, you kick ass!

I thought this is also a good way to illustrate using the SQL rank() function in action as if two people have the same count of bugs reported, they should share the same spot… not that it happened, in this case.

Let’s look at most persistent bug reporters, that is, anyone who has reported bugs in every one of the 10 years of the 2010s.

Wow! In the last 10 years, Shane Bester is being edged out by Daniël van Eeden. Congrats Daniël!

What if we look at the most recent full year, 2019? 

Tor Didriksen gets the thorny bug crown for 2019, and what happened to Shane? He is not even in our Top 20 list!

Let’s not look at bugs, but rather, overall activity:

It is much more interesting to look in the graph format:

We can see that the bug reporting activity peaked out in 2005-2006, and then dropped drastically after 2010 and continues to slide further.

We can speculate on the reasons of slide, but one thing to consider: Oracle’s purchase of Sun Microsystems was completed in 2010 and if I remember correctly, many bugs started to be reported in the internal bugs database which has not been open to the public since that time.

I hope you find those stats interesting 🙂

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Jean-François Gagné

Very interesting, thanks for sharing Peter. Is the dataset available ?

Do you have similar stats for Percona Server ? 🙂

And about Daniël van Eeden being the best reporter for the last 10 years (“Shane Bester is being edged out by Daniël van Eeden”), without wanting to remove anything from Daniël, maybe someone did more reports in the last 10 years, but no report in one of the 10 last years as your query is only checking for people having reported bugs in each of the last 10 years. 😉

Shane Bester

> “and what happened to Shane?”

My reports had to become mostly internal the last few years 😉


Why ? Do not you love us (community) any more ? 🙂

Mark Callaghan

Thanks for documenting this. It is a great statement about the value of the community.