Some time ago I wrote a script to manage asynchronous replication links between Percona XtraDB clusters. The original post can be found here. The script worked well with Percona XtraDB Cluster but it wasn’t working well with MariaDB®.  Finally, the replication manager works with MariaDB.

First, let’s review the purpose of the script. Managing replication links between Galera based clusters is a tedious task. There are many potential slaves and many potential masters. Furthermore, each replication link must have only a single slave. Just try to imagine how you would maintain the following replication topology:

A complex replication topology

The above topology consists of five clusters and four master-to-master links. The replication manager can easily handle this topology. Of course, it is not a fix to the limitations of asynchronous replication. You must make sure your writes are replication safe. You could want, for example, a global user list or to centralize some access logs. Just to refresh memories, here are some of the script highlights:

  • Uses the Galera cluster for Quorum
  • Configurable, arbitrarily complex topologies
  • The script stores the topology in database tables
  • Elects slaves automatically
  • Monitors replication links
  • Slaves can connect to a list of potential masters

As you probably know, MariaDB has a different GTID implementation and syntax for the multi-source replication commands. I took some time to investigate why the script was failing and fixed it. Now, provided you are using MariaDB 10.1.4+ with GTIDs, the replication manager works fine.

You can found the script here. Be aware that although I work for Percona, the script is not officially supported by Percona.