In this blog post, I want to go over some of the day-to-day MySQL tools and methods DBAs use to analyze queries and visualize “what is going on?” I won’t be going into the nitty-gritty details of each of these tools, I just want to introduce you to them and show you what they look like so you will know what types of information they provide.

This isn’t a comprehensive list by any means but consider it a primer for those starting with MySQL and wanting to know what a query is going to do or is doing.

The two sides of query analysis are examining a query BEFORE you run it, and then analyzing what actually happened AFTER you run it.

Let’s start with the tools you can use to predict a query’s future.

In the beginning, there was EXPLAIN. The venerable EXPLAIN command has been with us a long time as a built-in MySQL utility statement. Its purpose is to explain that what the optimizer predicts is the best “plan” and describe that to us. It tells us where data is gathered from, how it is filtered, and how it is combined or aggregated and much more:

Looks a little cryptic though, doesn’t it? Other people thought so as well. Other MySQL tools were designed to help us get a better handle on what exactly the optimizer is planning to do.

Percona released pt-visual-explain to help us have a better representation:

The output is justified as such:

The folks that develop MySQL Workbench tried to give an actual visual explanation in their tool. It creates graphics of the predicted workflow, and changes the colors of different steps to highlight expensive parts of the query:

And finally, MySQL itself can output extended EXPLAIN information and always does so if you use the JSON output format (introduced in MySQL 5.6):

Don’t worry if EXPLAIN looks a little daunting. EXPLAIN can be hard to explain. Just know that it tells you what it thinks is going to happen and in what order. You can familiarize yourself with it as you go along.

Now let’s say you’ve executed your query and want to find out what actually happened. Or maybe you have a server that is running a lot of queries and you want to visualize what is going on with this server. It’s time to examine the tools we use to analyze AFTER running queries.

Similar to EXPLAIN, MySQL has tools built into it to help you understand what happened after a query was run. Query profiling tells us what the query spent its time doing. You can get a profile directly from the MySQL console:

Or using performance_schema:

This can be helpful if a query plan looks “good” but things are taking too long. You can find out if your query is spending time locked or compiling statistics, etc.

You can also find out “how much” of something was going on for a given query by looking at the handler statistics:

This allows us a glimpse of how many times MySQL had to do certain things while running a query. For instance “Handler_read_rnd_next” was used 33 times. We can look up what this means in the documents and gain insight into what is happening.

These tools allow us to have a better understanding of what happened when a query was executed. But again they only help us analyze a single query. If you really want to see a bigger picture of an overall server workload and what queries are doing in production, you need to bring out the big guns.

Percona toolkit offers pt-query-digest. This tool ingests a slow query log from the server and analyzes it to your specifications. Its output has some visualization (tabulation) that gives you a better idea of what a server is spending its time doing, and offers a break down of the individual queries and real-world examples.

A top-level overview:

An individual query overview:

Use it if you have a representative example of a server’s workload and you’re trying to understand what queries are the most poorly performing or executed most often. You can look for outliers that cause problems on occasion and more.

Finally, in the modern world, we want all this data aggregated together, visualized and easily accessible. Everything from explains to statistics to profiles to digests, and we want it all compiled in a nice neat package. Enter Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) Query Analytics. (Screenshots are from PMM v1.7, other versions may look different.)

After setup and configuration, this tool offers us a comprehensive visual representation of the things we’ve discussed and much more.

PMM QAN is able to offer us a big picture look at the queries a server is executing, when they’re being run, what is taking up a lot of time, and what the variance is for a user defined time frame. It does this all at a glance by offering sparkline graphs (timelines) and variance represented graphically:


Remember when I spoke about Handlers and Profiling? PMM also offers us an aggregated picture of similar information server wide with human-readable terminology:

By selecting a single query, you can “drill down” and get lots of details about that specific query being run on your server:

Along with immediate access to Schema infomation and explain plans:

You can see PMM QAN in action (along with the rest of PMM’s features) at the demo site:

As you can see there are many ways we can use MySQL tools to help us visualize what MySQL is doing with a query. Knowing what tools are available and what they can show you about your query can be helpful. Some of these are very quick and easy to use, such as the built-in MySQL utility statements. Others like pt-toolkit or Workbench require installed software, and pt-query-digest usually needs a representative query log. PMM requires installation and configuration, but it provides the most detail and visualization.

MySQL tools we discussed:

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