Manage MySQL Users with KubernetesQuite a common request that we receive from the community and customers is to provide a way to manage database users with Operators – both MongoDB and MySQL. Even though we see it as an interesting task, our Operators are mainly a tool to simplify the deployment and management of our software on Kubernetes. Our goal is to provide the database cluster which is ready to host mission-critical applications and deployed with the best practices.

Why Manage Users with Operators?

There are few use cases:

  1. Simplify the CICD pipeline. It is simpler to apply a single manifest than running multiple commands to create the user after the DB is ready.
  2. Give control over DB users to developers or applications, but without providing direct access to the database.
  3. There is an opinion that Kubernetes will transition from container orchestrator to a control plane to manage everything. For some companies, it is a strategy.

We want to have the functionality to provision users with Operators, but it does not seem to be the right solution to do it separately for each Operator. It looks like it can be unified.

What if we take it to another level and create a way to provision users on any database through the Kubernetes control plane? The user has created the MySQL instance on a public cloud through the control plane, so why not create the DB user the same way? – A Kubernetes addon that enables users to declaratively describe and provision the infrastructure through the k8s control plane. By design, it is extendable through “providers”. One of them – provider-sql – enables the functionality to manage MySQL and PostgreSQL users (and even databases) through CRDs. Let’s see how to make it work with Percona XtraDB Cluster Operator.



  • Kubernetes cluster
  • Percona XtraDB Cluster deployed with Operator (see the docs here)

The goal is to create a Custom Resource (CR) object through Kubernetes API to trigger to create the user on the PXC cluster. As a summary it will look like this:

Manage MySQL Users with Kubernetes

  1. A user creates the CR with the desired user and grants
  2. Crossplane detects it
  3. provider-sql (Crossplane provider) is configured through a Secret object which has the PXC endpoint and root credentials
  4. provider-sql connects to PXC and creates the user

I have placed all the files for this blog post into the public github repository along with the condensed runbook which just lists all the steps. You can find it all here.

Install crossplane

The simplest way is to do it through helm:

Other installation methods can be found in documentation.

Install provider-sql

Provider in Crossplane is a concept similar to Terraform’s provider. Everything in crossplane is done through Kubernetes API and that includes the installation of Providers:

This is going to install Custom Resource Definitions for provider-sql which is going to be used to manage MySQL users on our PXC cluster. Full docs for provider-sql can be found here, but they are not very detailed.

Almost There

Everything is installed and needs a last configuration touch.

  1. Create a secret which provider-sql is going to use to connect to the MySQL database. I have cluster1 Percona XtraDB cluster deployed in a pxc namespace and the corresponding secret will look like this:

You can get the root password from the secret which is created when PXC is deployed through the Operator. Quick way to get it is like this:

Crossplane will use the endpoint and port as a MySQL connection string, and username and password to connect to it. Configure provider-sql to get the information from the secret:

Let’s verify that configuration is in place:

Do It

All set. Crossplane can now connect to the database and create the users. From the Kubernetes and user perspective, it is just creating the custom resources through the control plane API.

Database Creation

This created the database on my Percona XtraDB Cluster:

The DB can be deleted through Kubernetes API as well – just delete the corresponding  object.

User Creation

The user needs a password. Password should never be stored as plain text, so let’s put it into a Secret:

We can create the user now:

And add some grants:

Verify that the user is there:

Keeping the State

Kubernetes is declarative and its controllers always do their best to keep the declared configuration and real state in sync. It means that if you are going to delete the user manually from the database (not through Kubernetes API), on the next pass of a reconcile loop Crossplane will sync the state and recreate the user and grants again.


Some functionality in one database engine differs a lot from the other, but sometimes there is a pattern. User creation is one of these patterns that can be unified across multiple database engines. Luckily Cloud Native Foundation landscape is huge and consists of a lot of building blocks which when used together can deliver wonderful infrastructures or applications.

This blog post shows that the community might have already found a better solution to the problem and re-inventing it might be a waste of time.

Extending providers to support other database engines (like MongoDB) is a challenge but can be solved. We are drafting a proposal and will work with our teams and community to deliver this.