Automating the deployment and management of MongoDB on Kubernetes is an easy journey with Percona Operator for MongoDB. By default, MongoDB is deployed using persistent volume claims (PVC). In the cases where you seek exceptional performance or you don’t have any external block storage, it is also possible to use local storage. Usually, it makes sense to use local NVMe SSD for better performance (for example Amazon’s i3 and i4i instance families come with local SSDs).

With PVCs, migrating the container from one Kubernetes node to another is straightforward and does not require any manual steps, whereas local storage comes with certain caveats. OpenEBS allows you to simplify local storage management on Kubernetes. In this blog post, we will show you how to deploy MongoDB with Percona Operator and leverage OpenEBS for local storage.

OpenEBS MongoDB


Install OpenEBS

We are going to deploy OpenEBS with a helm chart. Refer to OpenEBS documentation for more details.

This is going to install OpenEBS along with openebs-hostpath storageClass:

Deploy MongoDB Cluster

We will use a helm chart for it as well and follow this document

Install the Operator:

Deploy the database using local storage. We will disable sharding for this demo for simplicity:

As a result, we should have a replica set with three nodes using openebs-hostpath storageClass.

Local Storage Caveats

Local storage is the node storage. It means that if something happens with the node, it will also have an impact on the data. We will review various regular situations and how they impact Percona Server for MongoDB on Kubernetes with local storage.

Node Restart

Something happened with the Kubernetes node – server reboot, virtual machine crash, etc. So the node is not lost but just restarted. Let’s see what would happen in this case with our MongoDB cluster.

I will restart one of my Kubernetes nodes. As a result, the Pod will go into a Pending state:

In normal circumstances, the Pod should be rescheduled to another node, but it is not happening now. The reason is local storage and affinity rules. If you do kubectl describe pod mytest-psmdb-db-rs0-1, you would see something like this:

As you see, the cluster is not scaled up as this Pod needs a specific node that has its storage. We can see this annotation in PVC itself:

In other words, this Pod will wait for the node to come back. Till it comes back your MongoDB cluster will be in a degraded state, running two nodes out of three. Keep this in mind when you perform maintenance or experience a Kubernetes node crash. With PVCs, this MongoDB Pod would be rescheduled to a new node right away.

Graceful Migration to Another Node

Let’s see what is the best way to migrate one MongoDB replica set Pod from one node to another when local storage is used. There can be multiple reasons – node maintenance, migration to another rack, datacenter, or newer hardware. We want to perform such a migration with no downtime and minimal performance impact on the database.

Firstly, we will add more nodes to the replica set by scaling up the cluster. We will use helm again and change the size from three to five:

This will create two more Pods in a replica set. Both Pods will use openebs-hostpath storage as well. By default, our affinity rules require you to run replica set nodes on different Kubernetes nodes, so either enable auto-scaling or ensure you have enough nodes in your cluster. We are adding more nodes to avoid performance impact.

Once all five replica set nodes are up, we will drain the Kubernetes node we need. This will remove all the pods from it gracefully.

As with the node restart described in the previous chapter, the replica set Pod will be stuck in Pending status waiting for the local storage.

The storage will not come back. To solve it we need to remove the PVC and delete the Pod: 

This will trigger the creation of a new PVC and a Pod on another node:

Again all five replica set pods are up and running. You can now perform the maintenance on your Kubernetes node.

What is left is to scale down replica set back to three nodes:

Node Loss

When the Kubernetes node is dead and there is no chance for it to recover, we will face the same situation as with graceful migration: Pod will be stuck in Pending status waiting for the node to come back. The recovery path is the same:

  1. Delete Persistent Volume
  2. Delete the Pod
  3. The pod will start on another node and sync the data to a new local PVC



Local storage can boost your database performance and remove the need for cloud storage completely. This can also lower your public cloud provider bill. In this blog post, we saw that these benefits come with a higher maintenance cost, that can be also automated. 

We encourage you to try out Percona Operator for MongoDB with local storage and share your results on our community forum.

There is always room for improvement and a time to find a better way. Please let us know if you face any issues with contributing your ideas to Percona products. You can do that on the Community Forum or JIRA. Read more about contribution guidelines for Percona Operator for MongoDB in

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