Comments on: Backup Performance Comparison: mysqldump vs MySQL Shell Utilities vs mydumper vs mysqlpump vs XtraBackup Tue, 15 Mar 2022 09:30:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: svar Tue, 15 Mar 2022 09:30:27 +0000 Could be advice to backup multi threaded only when backing node not in production. 32 threads doing full scan consume 32 cores and most of the network or disk bandwidth. A good overview of various tools, missing maria-backup and for a no time physical backup i would flavor a ZFS snapshot. The bias is that for a backup to be valid it should be store in different location and backup time would mostly be cap to network bandwidth with such good disk

By: David Ducos Mon, 24 Jan 2022 16:05:02 +0000 Hi @lefred, you can use –max-threads-per-table to simulate the parallel table loading. From my experience, even knowing that “inserting into the same table concurrently is slower” it will be faster in the overall process, as inserting in other tables is going to slow down the largest table.

By: Rob Wultsch Thu, 13 Jan 2022 19:09:28 +0000 Yes, we are using zstd with XtraBackup via a pipe.
xtrabackup | pv | zstd | encryption …

By: lefred (@lefred) Thu, 13 Jan 2022 18:21:05 +0000 Hi Vinicius,
I think the difference you see between MySQL Shell and mydumper can be explained by the use of SSL in one and clear transfer in the other. Encryption has a cost unfortunately.
But of course this is a only a hypothesis that needs to be verified 😉
Cheers and I hope you will you should all that in your FOSDEM MySQL Devroom session 😉

By: Vinicius M. Grippa Thu, 13 Jan 2022 01:30:54 +0000 Hi Rob!
Thanks for reading the post. Let me ask, how are you using zstd with Xtrabackup? This compression algorithm is currently not supported. I opened a feature request for it:

And thanks for sharing the information about the encryption. As we know backup and restore times are not the only parameter that influences the decision of opting for a certain tool. I intend to make all these considerations as well.

By: Rob Wultsch Wed, 12 Jan 2022 20:14:49 +0000 I will look forward to restore testing. My experience (which has dictated how 3 large’ish companies run backups) is that xtrabackup restored with zstd beats the snot out of qpress in large part because of skipping reading the compressed data files from the fs. Adding encryption to the backup or restore pipeline has near zero cost.

By: Vinicius M. Grippa Tue, 11 Jan 2022 23:07:36 +0000 Hi Lefred!

Here is the information you requested:
mysql> SELECT table_schema AS “Database”, ROUND(SUM(data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024, 2) AS “Size (MB)” FROM information_schema.TABLES where table_schema like ‘percona’GROUP BY table_schema;
| Database | Size (MB) |
| percona | 91626.28 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

And for each table (there are 90 tables):

| Table | Size (MB) |
| stock1 | 3560 |
| stock4 | 3560 |
| stock10 | 3559 |
| stock2 | 3559 |
| stock3 | 3559 |
| stock5 | 3559 |
| stock6 | 3559 |
| stock7 | 3559 |
| stock9 | 3559 |
| stock8 | 3559 |
| order_line4 | 3045 |
| order_line1 | 3040 |
| order_line8 | 3040 |
| order_line5 | 3039 |
| order_line10 | 3038 |
| order_line2 | 3035 |
| order_line3 | 3034 |
| order_line9 | 3032 |
| order_line7 | 3029 |
| order_line6 | 3025 |
| customer10 | 2013 |
| customer4 | 2012 |
| customer5 | 2012 |
| customer1 | 2012 |
| customer9 | 2012 |
| customer3 | 2011 |
| customer6 | 2011 |
| customer7 | 2011 |
| customer8 | 2011 |
| customer2 | 2011 |
| history1 | 314 |
| history5 | 313 |
| history6 | 313 |
| history7 | 313 |
| history2 | 313 |
| history9 | 312 |
| history8 | 312 |
| history4 | 312 |
| history10 | 312 |
| history3 | 312 |
| orders1 | 210 |
| orders2 | 210 |
| orders4 | 208 |
| orders10 | 208 |
| orders7 | 208 |
| orders8 | 208 |
| orders9 | 208 |
| orders5 | 208 |
| orders3 | 207 |
| orders6 | 207 |
| new_orders5 | 25 |
| new_orders8 | 25 |
| new_orders7 | 25 |
| new_orders6 | 25 |
| new_orders4 | 25 |
| new_orders3 | 25 |
| new_orders2 | 25 |
| new_orders10 | 25 |
| new_orders1 | 25 |
| new_orders9 | 25 |
| item6 | 11 |
| item1 | 11 |
| item10 | 11 |
| item2 | 11 |
| item3 | 11 |
| item4 | 11 |
| item5 | 11 |
| item7 | 11 |
| item8 | 11 |
| item9 | 11 |
| district9 | 0 |
| district1 | 0 |
| district10 | 0 |
| district2 | 0 |
| district3 | 0 |
| district4 | 0 |
| district5 | 0 |
| district6 | 0 |
| district7 | 0 |
| district8 | 0 |
| warehouse1 | 0 |
| warehouse10 | 0 |
| warehouse2 | 0 |
| warehouse3 | 0 |
| warehouse4 | 0 |
| warehouse5 | 0 |
| warehouse6 | 0 |
| warehouse7 | 0 |
| warehouse8 | 0 |
| warehouse9 | 0 |
90 rows in set (0.00 sec)

The bigger ones have 3 million rows, while the smallest one has 100 rows (hence the 0 MB used).

It is very interesting the article that you shared, I will release soon another post about restore performance and all considerations around this topic. Thanks for checking!

By: lefred (@lefred) Tue, 11 Jan 2022 12:56:57 +0000 Hi Vinicius,

Could you provide information about the data ? I know you used tpcc, but how many tables and how big are they each ? Are they equivalent in size ? I’m asking as for large tables, MySQL Shell load utility uses a different approach to schedule the parallel ingestion that is optimized (see
Cheers 😉

By: Vinicius Grippa Tue, 28 Dec 2021 12:15:27 +0000 Hi Ivan,

Thanks for reading! So, I have the plans to release a part 2 with restore time 🙂

About mysqldump, I tested with and without compression and both had similar performance. From what I understood, the fact that only one thread is being used, a lot of hardware horsepower is being lost in the process. Because even the usage of the storage is lower with mysqldump. Even if zstd or pigz allows parallization, the first pipe is still single threaded.

By: Ivan Baldo Tue, 28 Dec 2021 12:11:35 +0000 Thanks for sharing Vinicius!

Is there any difference substituting mysqldump | gzip with a different compression tool?

Like zstd or even pigz for example.

Fast backups are a good thing of course, but most of times, it’s more important the restore time, so a follow-up article comparing the restore times of the tools would be super nice I think.

Again, thanks a lot!

By: Vinicius Grippa Tue, 28 Dec 2021 11:58:23 +0000 Hi Peter and Yoann,

One thing I also would be careful about with such benchmarks – it focuses only on time to backup which is important but considering it alone can lead you astray

I agree. In general, the ultimate goal of performing a backup is being able to restore it. Im planning to do a second part of this series about restore performance. I will also collect the size of the backups.

Also Xtrabackup uses by default quicklz(and there is a option of lz4):

About Yoann comments:

Indeed this is another perspective. But most use cases that I see is DBA performing backups from a replica or a dedicated backup sever with no workload (apart from replication). Since covering all scenarios is an ungrateful task ( I got questions about using less cores, a less powerful storage, etc…), I decided to use a case where it will cover the majority of uses.

By: La Cancellera Yoann Tue, 28 Dec 2021 10:30:50 +0000 Agreed. It would also need OLTP benchmarks to check if some methods impact performances more than others

By: Peter Zaitsev Mon, 27 Dec 2021 15:22:13 +0000 What compression Percona Xtrabackup uses here ? It is interesting it is taking longer as generally it should do a lot less processing (converting data from Innodb data format back to MySQL wire protocol and when to the text format)

One thing I also would be careful about with such benchmarks – it focuses only on time to backup which is important but considering it alone can lead you astray

Also I wonder what was backup size in all those cases was it comparable ? This is also something one may consider especially if long retention is needed
