Comments on: How to Manually Remove Client Instances From Percona Monitoring and Management 2 Thu, 08 Apr 2021 23:13:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Agustín Thu, 08 Apr 2021 23:13:55 +0000 Hi Mike,

You should try with:

# pmm-admin inventory –help

It is not listed in the main –help command, but if you use it in that way it will correctly show.

In more recent versions, there has been new functionality added in the web UI that will make these workarounds not needed anymore, so feel free to check them out, and see if they fix your issues.

By: Mike Fri, 19 Mar 2021 00:48:02 +0000 I had some trouble with this. Before finding this blog post, I tried to delete old MySQL instances (Aurora) by using the GUI, navigating to PMM -> Inventory and removing the nodes (with the force option to remove associated services) but the node count in home page still reflects that the primary/replica existed, along with PMM, since it says 3.

I connected to the docker instance in a bash but don’t see the nodes in the inventory that way:

# pmm-admin --server-url=http://admin:ABC123@localhost/ inventory list nodes
Nodes list.

Node type Node name Address Node ID
GENERIC_NODE pmm-server pmm-server

Only PMM internals were shown in list nodes/agents/services and the pmm-admin command online help doesn’t seem to list subcommands like ‘inventory’:

# pmm-admin –help 2>&1 | grep inventory

Hm, maybe it really is a hidden feature.

I suppose these will fall out of view and be deleted from Prometheus once they are no longer in retention
