wiredTiger cacheSize Inside Percona Distribution for MongoDB Kubernetes OperatorNowadays we are seeing a lot of customers starting to use our Percona Operator for MongoDB. The Percona Operators are based on best practices for the configuration of a Percona Server for MongoDB replica set or the sharded cluster. The main component in MongoDB is the wiredTiger cache which helps to define the cache used by this engine and we can set it based on our load.

In this blog post, we will see how to define the resources’ memory and set the wiredTiger cache for the shard replicaset to improve the performance of the sharded cluster.

The Necessity of WT cache

The parameter storage.wiredTiger.engineConfig.cacheSizeGB limits the size of the WiredTiger internal cache. The operating system will use the available free memory for filesystem cache, which allows the compressed MongoDB data files to stay in memory. In addition, the operating system will use any free RAM to buffer file system blocks and file system cache. To accommodate the additional consumers of RAM, you may have to set WiredTiger’s internal cache size properly.

Starting from MongoDB 3.4, the default WiredTiger internal cache size is the larger of either:

For example, on a system with a total of 4GB of RAM the WiredTiger cache will use 1.5GB of RAM (0.5 * (4 GB – 1 GB) = 1.5 GB). Conversely, a system with a total of 1.25 GB of RAM will allocate 256 MB to the WiredTiger cache because that is more than half of the total RAM minus one gigabyte (0.5 * (1.25 GB – 1 GB) = 128 MB < 256 MB).

WT cacheSize in Kubernetes Operator

The mongodb wiredTiger cacheSize can be tune with the parameter storage.wiredTiger.engineConfig.cacheSizeRatio and its default value is 0.5. As explained above, if the system allocated memory limit is too low, then the WT cache is set to 256M or calculated as per the formula.

Prior to PSMDB operator 1.9.0, the cacheSizeRatio can be tuned under the sharding section of the cr.yaml file. This is deprecated from v1.9.0+ and unavailable from v1.12.0+. So you have to use the cacheSizeRatio parameter available under replsets configuration instead. The main thing that you will need to check here before changing the cacheSize is to make sure that the resources’ memory limit allocated is also available as per your cacheSize’s requirement. i.e the below section limiting the memory:



From the source code that calculates the mongod.storage.wiredTiger.engineConfig.cacheSizeRatio:


Changing the cacheSizeRatio

Here for the test, we deployed the PSMDB operator on GCP. You can refer here for the steps – https://www.percona.com/doc/kubernetes-operator-for-psmongodb/gke.html. With the latest operator v1.11.0, the sharded cluster has been started with a shard and a config server replicaSets along with mongos pods.

Now login into the shard and check the default memory allocated to the container and to the mongod instance. In below, the memory size available is 15G, but the memory limit to use in this container is 476MB only:


The cachesize in MB of wiredTiger engine allocated in Shard is as follows:

The cache size of 256MB is too low for the real environment. So let’s see how to tune the memory limit and also the cacheSize of WT engine. You can use the parameter called cacheSizeRatio to mention the WT cache ratio (out of 1) and memlimit to mention the memory allocated to the container. To do this, edit the cr.yaml file under deploy directory in the operator to change the settings. From the PSMDB operator v1.9.0, editing cacheSizeRatio parameter under mongod section is deprecated. So for the WT cache limit, use the cacheSizeRatio parameter under the section “replsets” and to set memory, use the memlimit parameter. Setting 3G for the container and 80% of the memory calculations.





Apply the new cr.yaml

The shard pods are re-allocated and you can check the progress as follows:

Now check the new settings of WT cache as follows:

Here, the memory calculation for WT is done roughly as follows (Memory limit should be more than 1G, else 256MB is allocated by default:
(Memory limit – 1G) * cacheSizeRatio



Till PSMDB operator v1.10.0, the operator takes the change of cacheSizeRatio only if the resources.limit.cpu is also set. This is a bug and it got fixed in v1.11.0 – refer https://jira.percona.com/browse/K8SPSMDB-603 . So if you’re in an older version, don’t be surprised and you have to make sure the resources.limit.cpu is set as well.


From v1.11.0:



So based on the application load, you will need to set the cacheSize of WT for better performance. You can use the above methods to tune the cache size for the shard replicaset in the Percona Operator for MongoDB.

Reference Links :




MongoDB 101: How to Tune Your MongoDB Configuration After Upgrading to More Memory

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